You'll have to wear this Unpaid Item Strike then. One won't hurt you. The strike stays active for a year. Message 4 of In response to scga Death certificates show that you died. Photographs show that you have lived.
Message 5 of If you have a perfect rating and value that perhaps you should just buy the item. Frankly, this is your fault, allowing access to your account by your child. The seller likely lost the other bidders. Next time log out of your account when not in use or secure access to your computer by using child user accounts where your children cannot access websites you use with your active logins.
Message 6 of In response to myangelandmyprincess. Message 7 of Message 8 of Hope this may be of some help. Message 9 of In response to ilikestuff In part, the reluctance is because eBay has a strong reputation for protecting buyers - sometimes at the expense of sellers. Some unscrupulous fraudsters have been known to buy a product on eBay, swap it for a damaged or different item, and return the package demanding a refund.
Some sellers believe eBay regularly sides with the buyer in such cases - and fear that refunds would be taken out of their bank accounts under the new system. Late last year, ahead of the impending change, another forum user wrote: "They are so heavily biased in the buyer's favour I am simply not prepared to switch to this new [system] and give eBay direct access to my bank account. EBay, for its part, says the direct debit scheme adheres to the same rules any other direct debit, such as a phone bill.
That means customers will have advance notice of how much is being taken out, and any incorrect or fraudulent payments should be refunded. Other users were confused by the switching process requiring them to enter their online banking usernames or passwords. But those credentials are only used by the bank. The company says it does not have any actual direct access to sellers' bank accounts. You will need to send an invoice manually. To do this, go to your eBay summary page, choose the sold listings tab, and the sales record will come up.
Next, choose the option to send an invoice. The buyer will receive the invoice via email. Some buyers will pay right away. Others may reply with a reason why their payment is delayed, such as waiting for a paycheck from their job, or they will pay as soon as they get back to their computer. Try to work with people and don't assume that because someone doesn't pay immediately, they are a deadbeat buyer. Things do happen to people, and life gets in the way sometimes.
If the buyer doesn't pay after filing a UPI case, and the item was an auction listing, send Second Chance Offers to other bidders. Another great eBay feature to increase sales and overcome non-paying bidders is the Second Chance Offer feature. The way it works is if there were multiple bidders on an auction, and the first bidder doesn't pay or decides to cancel their bid, eBay allows the seller to contact the next bidder in line and offer the item to the highest bid.
It is a handy free feature that all auction sellers should implement as soon as they realize the original buyer isn't interested or isn't going to pay. Second Chance Offer can also be used if the seller has multiples of the same item and wants to offer them to the next-in-line bidders.
This feature is easy to use. Once you cancel the order, you'll receive a credit for any applicable fees, and your item will be relisted automatically unless you choose not to relist.
We'll also remove any feedback left by the buyer. Once the order has been canceled, you can make a second chance offer to the next highest bidder if you listed using the auction format. It's important to cancel any unpaid items within 30 days from the day the buyer commits to buy so the item can be relisted unless you choose not to, and you receive credit for any applicable fees. Tip You don't have to contact the buyer if they haven't paid — we'll send them reminders to pay.
If they don't pay after 4 calendar days, you can cancel the order. When you enable Preferences for items awaiting payment, you can customize your settings so that orders that aren't paid for will be canceled automatically after 4 calendar days. You can also customize your settings to relist unpaid items straight away. Additionally, any feedback left by the buyer of an unpaid item will be removed.