With two columns, your document begins to look like a pamphlet or a school textbook. Three columns are about as much as a standard 8. In fact, you may want to reduce the body text size to about 9 or 10 points and turn on hyphenation. This layout has two columns, with the narrower column on the left. The narrow column is a great place to introduce the text with a long heading and subheading or a quote pulled from the larger body text. The mirror image of the Left layout, this option uses two columns with a narrow column at right.
Use the More Columns option to open the Columns dialog box Figure where you can create a customized column layout. With your choice highlighted, hit Enter. When you get to the bottom of a column, Word automatically flows your text to the top of the next one, but you can also force Word to end the column and jump to the next one.
There are two ways to create a column break. Turn off this checkbox, and you can get creative by entering a different width and spacing for each column. Word gives you two tools to divide your text into strips—Columns and Tables. Even though they may look the same on paper, they work and act differently. Use tables to organize information in rows and columns, like a spreadsheet. Readers are just as likely to read tables left to right as they are from top to bottom.
Without hyphenation, if a word is too long to fit on the line, Word moves it down to the beginning of the next line. If a word is particularly long, it can leave some pretty big gaps at the end of the line. Justified text is aligned on both the left and right margins, like most of the text in this book.
If you have justified text and no hyphenation, you often get large, distracting gaps between words, where Word is trying to spread out the text along the line.
When used properly, hyphenation helps make text more attractive on the page and easier to read. In most cases, you can relax and let Word handle the hyphenating. No hyphenation at all. For informal letters, first drafts, and many reports, you may choose not to use hyphenation. Word makes hyphenation decisions based on some simple rules that you provide. Consider using automatic hyphenation for documents that have line lengths of about 50 characters or less, including documents that use newspaper-style columns.
In this scheme, Word asks you about each word it wants to hyphenate, giving you the final decision. Still, you may want to assert some control over how and when Word uses hyphenation. This box has two important options that let you control hyphenation:. This zone is the maximum space that Word allows between the end of a word and the right margin.
If the space is larger than this, Word hyphenates a word to close the gap. For most documents,. A larger distance may give you fewer hyphens but a more ragged look to your right margin. Hyphenation rules are notoriously complicated, and, to make matters worse, they change by language and country. For example, Americans and British hyphenate differently. Still, you should follow these basic rules of thumb:. Use hyphenation with documents that have shorter lines.
A document that uses two or three columns on the page needs hyphenation to avoid large gaps in the text. Use hyphenation with justified text. Justified text, which is aligned on both the left and right margins, makes documents look formal and tidy—but not if big gaps appear between letters and words.
Avoid those gaps by letting Word hyphenate your justified text. Avoid hyphenating company names and proper names. Use manual hyphenation to prevent Word from dividing certain words. Avoid hyphenating more than two lines in a row. Use manual hyphenation to remove a hyphen if you see too many in a row. Avoid overusing hyphens. Excessive hyphenation, even if not on consecutive lines, distracts the eye and makes a document more difficult to read. The term manual hyphenation sounds like more work than it actually is.
Computer-assisted hyphenation would be a better term. Word then shows you the word in a box and suggests where to place the hyphen. If you agree, click Yes. You many not always agree with Word when it comes to hyphen placement. If last-minute edits change the line lengths and line breaks, you need to run manual hyphenation again. All the automatic hyphens in your document disappear and the words rearrange themselves accordingly. Searching for optional hyphens requires a couple of extra steps.
Click the Special button to reveal the list of special characters. The Find and Replace tool can search for a number of special characters. Some of them, like the optional hyphen and the paragraph mark, are nonprinting characters. Others, like the em dash need more than a single keystroke to produce. From the menu of special characters, choose Optional Hyphen. The Special menu closes when you make a choice from the list. Click Replace All to remove all optional hyphens from your text.
Word quickly removes the optional hyphens and displays a message telling you how many changes were made. Click Close to dismiss the alert box, and then, in the Find and Replace box Figure , click Close. Mission accomplished. The longer and more complex your document is, the more likely it is to contain different sections.
Section breaks are a close cousin to page breaks, except that a section can contain any number of pages. More important, each section in a Word document can have its own page formatting.
But breaking your document into different sections gives you a lot more flexibility within the same document. For example:. If you want to have some pages in portrait orientation and others in landscape orientation charts or graphs, for example , you need to insert a section break where the format changes Figure Perhaps you want to change from a single column format to a double column format; you need to insert a section break where the format changes.
You can even put the break right smack in the middle of a page. The commands on the bottom are section breaks, as advertised. Section breaks have two major distinctions. There are Next Page breaks, which create a new page for the new section, and there are Continuous breaks, which place a divider mark in the text with no visible interruption. Everything below that mark is in a new section. Or you can use a Next Page break if you want each chapter to start on a new page.
You use the Continuous break to change the number of columns or the margins in your document in the middle of a page. They create section breaks and start the new section on the next even or odd page. For example, you use this option to make sure that all your chapters begin on a right-hand page like the ones in this book. Click within your text to place the insertion point where you want the section break.
When you make Page Setup changes in your new section, they affect only the new section. So when you change the page orientation to landscape, you see pages before the break in portrait orientation and pages after the break in landscape orientation. In Print Layout view, you see how your document looks with section breaks inserted. In Draft view, section breaks appear in your document as dotted lines. Skip to main content. Start your free trial. Chapter 4.
Choosing Paper Size and Layout. Changing Paper Size. Figure The Size menu, like many Word menus, uses icons as well as text to give you quick visual cues. Your choices include Letter 8. Customizing paper size and source. The Page Setup box closes, and your custom-sized document shows in Word.
Using the Paper tab of the Page Setup box, you can choose from standard paper sizes or set your own custom paper size. Dialog boxes are great for making several changes at once. You can read more about printing in Chapter 7.
Setting Paper Orientation. Click Portrait or Landscape to choose a page orientation for your document. Setting Document Margins. Selecting Preset Margins. The Margins menu provides some standard settings such as the ever popular one inch all the way around. Word calls this favorite of businesses and schools the Normal margin. Note Word measures margins from the edge of the page to the edge of the body text.
Setting Custom Margins. The Page Setup box has three tabs at the top. The Margins tab is on the left. Use the text boxes at the top to set your top, bottom, and side margins. Setting Margins for Booklets.
Applying Page Borders. This cake border is a bad choice for Marie Antoinette and most other adults. If you choose a line border, you can choose a color as well as a style.
The Standard Colors palette gives you access to several basic, bright colors. Preview the border, and then select the sides of the page that will have borders. Note Whether you choose lines or art for your border, you can adjust the width. Adding Headers and Footers. For example, the header for a business memo can include the subject, date, and page number.
Word lets you enter this information manually or with the help of fields that automatically update the information. Introducing the Header and Footer Tools. The Header, Footer, and Page Number menus help you insert predesigned page elements, known as Building Blocks, into your document. You can see what each one looks like right on the menu. At the bottom of the menu, you find options to create or remove custom headers, footers, and page numbers. Inserting and Modifying a Header Building Block.
Using fields, you can add automatically updating page numbers, dates, and names. The Field dialog box shows a whole list of fields left and provides ways to format them right so that they work just right.
Adding a Matching Footer Building Block. Most of the header and footer Building Blocks come in pairs. By using a header and footer with the same name, you can be sure of having a consistent design. You can modify Building Blocks—like this predesigned header and footer—after you insert them in your text. Just edit as you would any text. Creating Custom Headers and Footers. The insertion point moves from the body of your document to the footer space at the bottom.
As you type, the insertion point remains on the right margin and your text flows to the left. The company name and city are plain typed-in text, while the page number and number of pages are fields that update automatically. Removing Headers, Footers, and Page Numbers. Click Remove Header. Working with Multiple Columns. At the top of the Columns dialog box, you see the same presets as on the Columns menu.
Below them, controls let you create your own multicolumn layouts. The preview icon on the right changes as you adjust the settings. Customizing Columns. You can fine-tune your columns options to create just the right effect. Choose Automatic from the hyphenation menu, and Word takes care of all hyphenation decisions. Automatic Hyphenation. Use the Hyphenation box to set the ground rules for hyphenation. You may not always agree with Word when it comes to hyphen placement. Removing Hyphenation from Your Document.
You can change your display settings to always show optional hyphens. Dividing Your Document into Sections. Use section breaks to make major changes to your page format. For example, after you insert a Next Page break, you can change the page orientation or the paper size. In the Gutter position box, click Left or Top.
Note: The Gutter position box is not available when you use the Mirror margins , 2 pages per sheet , or Book fold option. For those options, the gutter position is determined automatically. Click Advanced , and then select the Show text boundaries check box under Show document content.
Note: You can view page margins in either Print Layout view or Web Layout view, and the text boundaries don't appear on the printed page. Microsoft Word offers several page margin options. You can use the default page margins or specify your own. Add margins for binding A gutter margin adds extra space to the side margin, top margin, or inside margins of a document that you plan to bind to help ensure that text isn't obscured by binding.
Set margins for facing pages Use mirror margins to set up facing pages for double-sided documents, such as books or magazines. In this case, the margins of the left page are a mirror image of those of the right page. Note: You can set gutter margins for a document that has mirror margins if the document needs extra space for binding.
Add a book fold Using the Book fold option in the Page Setup dialog box, you can create a booklet. Use the same option to create a menu, invitation, event program, or any other type of document with a single center fold. After you set up a document as a booklet, work with it just as you would any document to insert text, graphics, and other visual elements.
If you try to set margins that are too narrow, Microsoft Word displays the message One or more margins are set outside the printable area of the page. Minimum margin settings depend on your printer, printer driver, and paper size.
To learn about your minimum margin settings, check the printer manual. Click the margin type that you want. For the most common margin width, click Normal. Note: When you click the margin type that you want, your entire document automatically changes to the margin type that you have selected. You can specify your own custom margin settings. To change the default margins, click Margins after you select a new margin, and then click Custom Margins.
In the Page Setup dialog box, click the Default button, and then click Yes. The new default settings are saved in the template on which the document is based. Each new document based on that template automatically uses the new margin settings.
To restore the original margin settings, click Margins and then click Custom Margins. Change the margins for Top , Bottom , Left , and Right to 1".
Then click the Default button and click Yes. To change the margins for part of a document, select the text, and then set the margins that you want by entering the new margins in the Page Setup dialog box. Microsoft Word automatically inserts section breaks before and after the text that has the new margin settings. If your document is already divided into sections, you can click in a section or select multiple sections and then change the margins.
Click Advanced , and then click the Show text boundaries check box under Show document content. Note: You can view page margins in either Print Layout view or Web Layout view, and the text boundaries do not appear on the printed page. A gutter margin setting adds extra space to the side margin or top margin of a document that you plan to bind. A gutter margin helps ensure that text isn't obscured by the binding. In the Internal margin section, you can customize the margins to your desired size.
If this article did not answer your question, you can chat with a Microsoft virtual agent or a person at any time. Table of contents. Lay out pages. Change margins Article Create newsletter columns Article Change page orientation to landscape or portrait Article Add a border to a page Article Insert a header or footer Article Insert page numbers Article Insert a page break Article Insert a table of contents Article.
Table of contents Lay out pages. Choose the margin type that you want to apply. At the bottom of the Margins gallery, choose Custom Margins. In the Page Setup dialog box, enter new values for the margins. More tips about margins Change the margins for only a section of a document by selecting the text and entering the new margins in the Page Setup dialog box.
Gutter margins for binding 2. Click Custom Margins. In the Gutter box, enter a width for the gutter margin. Word can display lines in your document to represent text boundaries.
On the File tab, click Options. The page margins appear in your document as dotted lines. Mirror margins for facing pages Set margins for facing pages Use mirror margins to set up facing pages for double-sided documents, such as books or magazines.