A Christmas theme. The artist has never recorded a Christmas album, although he has placed individual tunes on holiday compilations. Schultz has been working on two new albums likely to emerge sometime next year. One is an instrumental collection, the other a more traditional studio release.
A nice blend. E-mail Weekend: weekend grpress. Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission. Votes: 0. Wrong lyrics? Please, click "Yes" if this lyrics wrong or incorrect. Mark Schultz - How many kings lyrics Follow the star to a place unexpected Would you believe after all we've projected A child in a manger Lowly and small, the weakest of all Unlikeliness hero, wrapped in his mothers shawl Just a child Is this who we've waited for?
Write a comment What do you think about song "How many kings"? I Am lyrics by Mark Schultz. Father's Eyes lyrics by Mark Schultz. God Of Glory lyrics by Mark Schultz.
Love Has Come lyrics by Mark Schultz. We Christians should be careful about stumbling blocks. Someone may take it that the Bride of Christ condones porn, given that her crotch is right there.
Stumbling block. A picture of a precious baby breastingfeeding on a single exposed breast would have been no where near a stumbling block. It would have been focusing on a precious little life, hand crafted by God. But this actual picture was only about a woman's bared body that happens to be in a pregnant state. What was the point? A man doesn't need this image of a woman's soft skin and curves. And there are more than just men who have struggled with curses handed down regardless of gender.
It's just a naked body. It's a very powerful picture. Could have cropped all that out. Yeah it's like they're trying to get us men to stumble. This was blatant, but i've been noticing allot of new "Christian music videos put out by the artists themselves have become more as my wife would call it "sensual" When she says that I know i'm not crazy when I watch it and feel like these people are trying to sing and preach Jesus while still trying to seduce me.
It's a crazy world we live in today. The Great falling away. Most Christians today see to think everything is acceptable to God but I think allot of us are going to be in for a rude awakening on Judgment day. Rachelle and s h, I know this post is a year old, but I need to say that Christian art has been displaying the naked body as beauty, and not pornographic, for centuries. If you can't handle a simple pose displaying the body as God's creation, then you are really overthinking this.
Just enjoy the art and stop forcing others to see art or live in a certain way; the West was built on that Christian notion of freedom to express and live. We should teach kids and some adults not to see nakedness as something to hide, avoid, or as impure, but as something to celebrate and cherish, but not to the point where it loses its beauty.
I want to say one thing! And we are His children. What is amazing is that God is someone who cares SO much about each and everyone of you guys on this earth, even if you're in ISIS or someone who doesn't like God. He loved us so much that he even sent his son down to save us from sin and death, so that if we believe in Him, we will live with him in Heaven above.
No matter who you are, he loves you. Feel free to share this with anyone. I want everyone to know this, that this is the message that needs to be sent out to those who need it. It is He who made us and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pastures Psalm Good morning family!!! I saw this video for the first time just now, and I really need feedback from all of you on the picture at of a very pregnant woman who is exposing her breasts.
I showed my husband this picture and asked him if he thought this picture is inappropriate for Christian singers to include in their videos and he said yes. What do you think? God bless you all!!! It's not nudity it's the beauty of a woman with child, don't have a dirty mind. We're GODs perfection. GOD,s Servant Some people struggle and it will take a while before they can get to that point. Even though I lost any belief in god over a year ago, it's still nice to listen to this song every once in a while.
I understand the struggles of sin within the flesh; I struggle the same as any man, sin is an awsome foe. The Apostles Paul writing under the inspiration of the Holy spirit reminds us that that we are born into sin, inherited from our parents in the garden contrary to what you may believe, the law, the Bible simply reveals to us that we are in sin; The apostle Paul said I had not known sin except the law had said thou shalt not covet. The good news is that Christ loves the world, gave his life for the remission of sin.
The bible is not a dictatorial book of edicts but consistently reveals Gods love, mercy and grace to a lost world. You have free will friend, God has not imposed himself on you, its a choice to serve and love him or to reject him, but your will to reject him does not make him any less true.
You still haven't brought forward any evidence for your gods existence. Your God isn't caring or loving and this is why. Is infinite punishment suitable for a finite sin? Let's say you were God and I stood before you guilty of one sin in my life, let's say I disobeyed my mom when I was a kid. Could you really damn me to suffer for all of eternity?
Why would a God who created the universe be offended by a single small human on a little planet in a remote part in the universe? On another note I don't reject your God, I'm skeptical about his very existence. You eluded to believing in this God of the bible at some point in your life only later to reject him.
You seem to misunderstand the God of the bible particularly in the area of salvation. Simplest way for me to put this in this thread, is that sin does not send one soul to eternal damnation rather a rejection of the cure for sin in Jesus Christ which God has given as a propitiation, substitute for sin. God demands perfection friend, be Ye perfect even as you father in heaven is perfect Christ proclaimed and we both know none is perfect but yet that is the standard and the only way to meet that standard is thorough Jesus Christ.
As for proof to the existence of God all and honest person need do is look up and the heavens declare his glory and the firmament shows his handy work even his eternal power so that man is without excuse. Look in the mirror friend its impossible logically to explain man and the universe apart from and highly intelligent ultradimentional being whom we call God.
Of course their is a measure of faith involved here and much more to be said than what can be squeezed into a thread.. It is true that I was a devout christian for over 20 years of my life. It is understandable for someone to look up at creation and easily conclude that there had to be a creator for said creation. Nicolaus Copernicus published his theory in stating that the earth orbits the sun and not the sun orbits the earth.
Before it was common sense that the earth did not move. I mean, just look up at the sky. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. One can easily conclude without education of the heavens that the earth is the center.
When you look at creation and conclude that it had to have a creator then you are using the same common sense that scientists prior to the 16th century. It is an argument called "God of the gaps" where basically the argument is "I don't know how this all came to be, therefor god must have created it. But if you were taking a history test and you filled the blank with god every time you didn't know the answer you still would not get those answers right.
I don't know if there is a god but I do not believe in a god. It's called agnostic-atheism. I never rejected god because that implies that gods existence has been proven to me and that i rejected the overwhelming evidence. Existential Intellectual id like to meet the liar that says he went an entire 24 hours without sinning once.
People sin, daily. But because of the love of Christ, we arent condemned to hell forever. We can be by his side after the rapture. As far as proof God exists, God created everything. Calls the stars by name, knows the number of hairs on our head, formed us in our mothers womb. How can all this happen, without a creator? For instance, if a carpenter builds a doll house, he has power and dominion over his creation and can do whatever he wants to with his creation, yes?
Well, if God created the Earth and the universe, its the same principle. He can bend the laws of physics and do miracles in the heavens and in peoples lives because he created the laws of physics and the thing or person he is doing the miracle in. Now as far as the big bang, i believe in that. When God spoke, light shot out at , miles per second to obey His command and create the universe. Thats a pretty big bang if you ask me. How can the science of creating something so complex as a human body, come about from chance?
How can animals be formed, stars come and go, gravity exist, solar flares, black holes, galaxies all exist and cojoin together in a working system called the universe, how can all this come about by chance and not 1 single molecule be offset? When a person gambles and im not condoning gambling , do they ever get every gamble right? Has anyone ever gone and gambled right every time? Never skipped a beat, just won every time? No, thats impossible.
Same as evolutions theory. Its not logical. Now, if all the cards fall in to place correctly bc someone placed them correctly, like for instance, God, then you have a reasonable explanantion of why the universe doesnt have a single flaw in all its creation. But something of that magnitude, cant happen by chance.
Its impossible. And as far as Jesus goes, he lived on Earth. There is no denying that. History has proven that. Heck, our dates are based on his life. There is so much evidence pointing toward the existence of God. You just have to know where to look.
God bless you my friend.