Interesting questions all, AnghellicKarma. For what's still unanswered, what do you think, what are your ideas? Link please? But frankly if it's the finalfantasy thing at wikia. In fact, one of its "admins" has elseboard boasted about making sure no one corrects their mistakes. Even Wikipedia only offers a summation. Try Shotgunnova's Game Script K posted here instead.
Highly recommended. Stellar quality guide, far better than most, and accurate even with NPC dialogue. More topics from this board Why does Yuna lie to everybody about Jyscal? Minor spoilers, I guess? Where do you get lv. General 2 Answers Where do I find Lv.
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Forgot your username or password? Some things jumped out in my mind that I either didn't understand or recall correctly from my last playthrough of this game.
Please don't spoil it for me : - If Tidus' original Zanarkand at the start of the game is only a dream, and Sin is from "the real world" of Spira how does Sin suddenly appear in Dream Zanarkand DZ? And why? What's the catalyst that causes this after 10 years since Jecht disappeared?
How did he "break through" from DZ into the real Spira and then back at the start of the game? And how does Tidus, really? He had accompanied Jecht and Yuna's dad? What is its purpose in both what Spira believes happens and what actually happens that Yuna refuses to go through it?
And why does Tidus? Or does Yuna just turn around from her unsending dance and see him fading and suddenly somehow realize he's from DZ? How does jecht become sin? How did Tidus come back? What class is Tidus? Is Tidus black? Is Tidus a time mage? Is Auron dead FFX? Why did Hades summon Auron? How old is Auron in FFX? Who is Auron in Kingdom Hearts? Why did Auron bring Tidus to Spira? Is Yuna a high Summoner? Why is Tidus not in ffx2? Why does Lulu carry a doll? Did Yuna ever find Tidus?
Is jecht a bad guy? If you consider FFX-2 canon, then Tidus spent some time without a physical body. As for the sequel itself, I'm of two minds: 1 It's unecessary since FFX ended on the perfect bittersweet note. It's a game-length excuse to give you a Wayne's World -style 'mega-happy ending'. Too bad the carryover characters didn't do so well. My Artwork. My Fanfictions. I agree, the new characters totally make the game 'cept for the Le' bleh and her goons It's debatable what actually happened to Tidus at the end of FFX Let's look at Jecht for example, he too was nothing more than a dream, yet he exists in the Farplane because you hear him giving advice to YRP against Shuyin in the last battle.
It could be possible that Yuna's connection to the Fayth and her undying love for Tidus ultimately allowed him to exist. I doubt the summonable Aeons cease to exist when they're dismissed, why should DZ be different? My guess is they simply don't have a physical form. Tidus can still whistle to Yuna in the Farplane, even without a body. She looks so pretty in her casket, I'm in love with a corpse! Tidus is basically just a reincarnation of Shuyin.
Dreams are as real as you make them and this case, they were very real for Yuna and others. Originally Posted by Shiny. She's half correct about the reincarnation. It is very likely that in the original dream, Shuyin was recreated by the Fayth.