Can you have a pet bonobo

Great Ape Regulations. In general, it is illegal to import and possess apes without a DFG permit. The agency does not issue licenses to keep restricted apes as pets or assistance animals. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission GFC prohibits the importation, transportation, sale, purchase, and possession of endangered species unless the animals were legally acquired and are held under a permit public zoos are exempt.

According to the legislature, it is necessary to regulate the import, possession, use, and treatment of Great Apes. Generally, it is illegal to import, possess, or sell apes for use as pets; but federally licensed exhibitors like circuses, zoos, animal acts, and some wildlife sanctuaries , scientific research facilities, and disabled people can freely import, possess, buy, and sell those animals.

All federally licensed or registered exhibitors and research facilities are exempt from the ban; however, the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection DEP prohibits the importation of potentially dangerous apes by many exhibitors except zoos, nature centers, and municipal parks.

Section of the Conservation Code does not allow the possession of any endangered species except by permit or license issued by the Director of the Division of Fish and Wildlife. These permits appear discretionary and criteria are not in the regulations. Summary: Washington D. Instead, the District has a blanket ban on all animals that are not specifically exempt by statute. Because they are not exempt from the ban, it is illegal to import, possess, and sell gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, and gibbons within the municipality.

Summary: In general, a state permit is required to import or possess apes. The state does not issue permits to keep apes as pets. The state does issue permits to import and possess apes for commercial or scientific uses to applicants who are qualified by age and experience and who have appropriate facilities. Permittees must comply with stringent legal requirements for the housing, care, maintenance, and use of apes.

However, circuses, zoos, and other exhibitors, research facilities, and animal refuges are exempt from the ban. Those exempt facilities are not required to obtain state permits to possess or display apes. Summary: In Kansas, it is legal for anyone to import, possess, buy, and sell any species of ape for any purpose.

There are no state permit or registration requirements for gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, or gibbons; however, those species are protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act, and activities involving those animals may require federal permits.

Section Summary: While Maine does not ban the private possession of great apes, the state only issues licenses to keep apes to a select few.

The state of Maine controls possession and importation of great apes under its exotic pet law and accompanying regulations. Private possession of great apes in the state is allowed but quite limited. However, state law and accompanying regulations clearly allow the use of apes and other wild animals in exhibitions, wildlife rehabilitation, and research facilities. Summary: Maryland regulates possession of Great Apes both expressly via state law as well as indirectly via reference to federal law.

They are also very protective of their territory and kill chimpanzees from another group, called a troop, if they try to move in. Looks— Bonobos are more comfortable walking upright than chimpanzees are. They also keep their white rump patch for life, while the patch darkens with age on chimpanzees. Who's the smartest of them all? Some scientists believe that bonobos are the most intelligent of the primates other than humans, of course!

Scientists have taught a few bonobos, housed in labs, how to communicate with humans by using symbols that represent words on a board. They can understand spoken words and reply to questions or ask for things by pointing to symbols. Bonobos even laugh when they are tickling each other or playing together, and they do other things that may remind you of some people you know! Nests aren't just for the birds!

Bonobos live in the rainforests of the Congo Basin in Africa. They prefer old-growth forests, with trees that bear fruit at different times throughout the year. They use leaves and twigs to build sturdy nests in the forks of trees each evening. By all sleeping in the same area, they can help each other look out for predators such as leopards and snakes, and this could also be a way to exchange information.

They can also keep track of each other. Adult bonobos sometimes share a nest, which is a unique behavior among the great apes. Bonobos are very comfortable in trees, swinging hand to hand through the branches, climbing up tree trunks, and leaping from one tree to another. Food for everyone. Can you imagine living in an all-you-can-eat salad bar? Rather than worry about your chimp suddenly deciding to rip your face apart, or tear your arms off and beat you to death with them, with a bonobo, your main worry is that your favorite pet might become a little too fond of you.

And really, that would be kind of a good problem, wouldn't it? So why not take a bonobo as pet? If we can take dogs as pet, surely we can take bonobos as pet as well? Sign up to join this community.

The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Is it safe to keep bonobos as pet? Ask Question. Asked 3 years, 10 months ago. Active 3 months ago. Viewed 6k times. But bonobos are quite peace loving. Is it safe to keep bonobos as pets? Improve this question. Spidercat Sonevol Sonevol 4, 3 3 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 47 47 bronze badges. Related: pets.

Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Bonobos are NOT pets! There are at least four reasons for this: Bonobos are not safe. The circumstances of bonobo capture and sale.

Bonobo care. Bonobos are not safe to be around for humans. And zoos do not sell to the public. Romanticized ideal: Because bonobos look so much like chimps, they are compared to them. And a few quotes: For every wild animal captured and sold as a wild pet, an estimated 50 may be killed or die in transit Wild animals often harbour usual and harmful diseases: including avian influenza and psittacosis from birds, salmonellosis from amphibians, reptiles and birds, and hepatitis A, tuberculosis, monkey pox and herpesvirus simiae-B from primates Also, if you do have several million dollar lying around, you might want to donate that to a zoo so they can build something like this.

Improve this answer. Allison C 4, 18 18 silver badges 43 43 bronze badges. Sonevol 4, 3 3 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 47 47 bronze badges. Amoeba Amoeba 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges. Kat Kat 61 2 2 bronze badges. Who are Bonobos? The two species belonging to the genus Pan are Pan troglodytes chimpanzee and Pan paniscus bonobo Habitat Bonobos are found only south of the Congo River and north of the Kasai River a tributary of the Congo in the humid forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo of central Africa.

Difference between Bonobos and Chimps - Physical difference The bonobo is slimmer, with a smaller skull, shorter canines and tufts of lighter fur, compared to chimps.

Psychological difference This is where the bonobos differ from chimps the most. Can Bonobos be kept as pets? I would say, well definitely, why not? Here an important point to mention. On a lighter note, the best part of the article - Rather than worry about your chimp suddenly deciding to rip your face apart, or tear your arms off and beat you to death with them, with a bonobo, your main worry is that your favorite pet might become a little too fond of you.

James Jenkins 29k 32 32 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. So you are suggesting that a Bonobo should be kept as a pet? I caught glimpses of blush in her cheeks. The way she would turn to the light like a teenager staring out of a window. She was clever and resourceful and could kick some ass. There was talk of her being released into the wild with six other bonobos. Then, in , she died.

It was sudden. Bonobos are vulnerable to most human diseases, and in Congo, there are a lot of them. He still loves bonobos and studies their minds and fights tirelessly for their conservation, but he will never love another bonobo like he loved Malou.

As for me, I still miss her. The moment I fell in love with her too was when I saw Brian throw her in the air, as high as he could. He threw her so high that if she fell, she would have broken her neck. But she laughed and laughed while she was scraping the sky, because she knew that he would never, ever drop her. That no matter what, he would catch her as she fell.


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