You can just squeeze the Ghost through between the first pillar on the left and the next one to the right of it, allowing you to continue on faster than you would on foot. Pass through the cave, up the slope, and across the large open area, where you'll find a Banshee. Hop into it and fly straight up to the left end of the nearest bridge above you there are two. Enter the door and you should see blue arrows on the floor pointing away from you. This lets you know you're on the right path and tracking along with me well, with Eli really.
At the end of the corridor, go directly across the center of the room and turn left when you reach the far side. Keep the wall to your right and double back along this path, entering the first door you see on your right a ramp with a yellow light leading down. At the far end you'll reach another ramp with yellow light, this one leading up. At the top, go to your left to a dead end. Jump onto the structure to your right, and from there up to the platform above. Go left on it into the center of the room and drop down, continuing straight across to the door you should see, which is roughly on the opposite side of the room from where you entered.
Continue through the corridor and you'll come out onto a snowy bridge. Normally, there would be Elites out here and you would need to kill the far one as quick as you can, before he gets into his Banshee, so that you could use it. If you've done the despawn though, you can simply run over and hop into the Banshee. You should see a huge Forerunner structure here with a sort of partial pyramid shape. Fly down to the base of the triangular support portion of it. Drop down and walk underneath this structure to find Terminal 5 You can also grab the Madrigal Debut achievement here.
Hop back into your Banshee and fly up to the top of the Forerunner structure. Near the top, there are two large horizontal ledges, running all the way from the left zone wall to the right, that you can land on. Fly up and land on the center of the lower of these two ledges, then walk out onto the right-hand side of it until you reach the end of the portion you landed on. You'll hear the Madrigal song and unlock the achievement. If you're speed running of course, ignore both of those items and fly directly over to the structure.
Park your Banshee at the door and activate the terminal to the right to open it. You'll have a few more large doors to open going through this tunnel. You can bring the Banshee forward with you if you like, as it probably shaves a few seconds off the longer two segments given that Nak3d Eli does in his video. Once you cross the final threshhold the cut scene will end the level and unlock Assault on the Control Room. You'll need to replay the mission to get the other skull since we skipped it with the bridge drop despawn, as well as the Wraith Hunter achievement.
Play on a lower difficulty to make these quicker and easier. The first half of the mission has blue arrows pointing away from you in the interior corridors, while the latter half of the mission will see you retracing your steps to an extent, with blue arrows pointing toward you.
In the next room you come to, just before going outside into a large ravine with enemies, you should see a structure in the center of the room with openings on the sides. There are pillar-like structures around it, and a lower ledge around the perimeter of this central area.
Get on that lower ledge and toss a sticky grenade down, then jump as it explodes to reach the top of one of those pillars surrounding the central structure. From there, jump up into the opening in it to find the Fog skull For Wraith Hunter, make sure you don't kill the first Wraith you come to.
Instead, rush past it, preferably on a Ghost, and get the Scorpion tank. Backtrack and wait for that Wraith to follow you through the ravine so you can kill it with the tank. Continue on through the mission in the tank until you reach a large ravine with another Wraith camping at the far end, just before the entrance to the huge tunnel leading down.
Kill it, then look for a 2nd one here 3rd overall high up on the ledge above that tunnel. Go through the large tunnels with the tank, which include the large room with the Malfunction skull mentioned earlier, and out into the next ravine to find the 4th and final Wraith.
Kill it with your tank to pop Wraith Hunter. At the very beginning of the mission, jump out of the ship and quickly run around to the front. Jump onto the nearby rock, then up onto the ship. Stay on it for a few seconds as it starts to take off to unlock Get Me Out of Here.
Get Me Out of Here! As the ship lands, turn left 90 degrees and exit the sip. You should pass a boulder on your left, with another larger one ahead of you. Keep this one on your right as you pass it. Cross over the base of that slope and follow the river to the end, where you should see a pile of rocks at the base of a hill. Jump onto the rocks then up onto the hill, and go left along the top of the hill with the large fallen tree to your right and some spotlights just ahead. Pass those spotlights with them on your left, and angle slightly to the right along the top of the hill.
You should see a purple turret to your right, and on the other side of the hill, off to the left, the entrance to the structure that most of the level occurs within. For the speed run you'll want to continue inside, but I'm going to point out the skull here.
Facing the entrance to the structure from out front, after the enemies are dead, you should have a hill to your left with a turret on it. Directly behind that turret, at the base of the hill on the far side, sits the Recession skull Proceed down into the structure. There will be a large hole in front of you, with a lift platform on its way up. Once it arrives, jump on and activate the console on the far side from the entrance to take the lift down. Facing where that console was standing on the lift, there is a vertical series of horizontal lights on the wall in a V-shaped extension of the platform.
As you ride it down, position yourself up against those lights, facing into the corner on the right side where the lights meet the angle of the wall, and push forward. Doing this, you will walk off the elevator as it enters the room below and fall down right near the room's exit, with a large group of Grunts and Jackals to your left in the hallway.
Use your Assault Rifle and spray the enemies as you duck down the doorway to the right, then right again as you exit into the next room, and drop down off the ledge. Duck into the corner to your right and use your Magnum to take out the Grunts in the room, then hug the right wall and deal with the Jackal s in front of the exit door.
It has glowing green lights on either side in remastered mode. There are Jackals inside it as well, so throw in a grenade to clear them. Go through the small square-shaped hall they were in, and turn 45 degrees to the left as you enter the next room. You'll want to go to the door on that left wall, surrounded by Jackals. Duck behind the sloped support until your shields regenerate, then rush across and jump over the Jackals and into the door without taking too much damage, turning left down the hall inside, then left again at the 1st opportunity to enter the next room.
Once again, turn left 45 degrees as you enter the room. Go straight to the three vertical purple boxes. Throw a plasma grenade at their base. Jump onto them, and jump up to the ledge above with the help of the detonating grenade. Enter the door just with the glowing green lights. Go left around the wall and take an immediate right at the end of it, onto a ramp leading down where you'll pass over a health pack.
At the bottom of the ramp, turn left into the next corridor for a short cutscene which you can skip. You will now be in the 'flood attack' room, facing two platforms in the center of the room, with doors on all sides. From where you start, go directly over the two platforms to the far side of the room and face that door.
You should receive a checkpoint here. Consider this door 1. Going clockwise to your right from here, doors 2 and 3 are on the right wall. Door 4 is directly behind you, and doors 5 and 6 are on the left wall, with 's 2 and 6 being the nearest ones to door 1 obviously. As soon as door 1 starts to open, toss a plasma grenade right at its base. Spray your AR into it for a second or two after it opens, then immediately turn and aim for 3.
Spray the smaller ones as they exit, and if the large one hasn't come out yet, rush inside and melt him with your AR. Quickly turn around and take aim at 6. Throw a frag grenade at the door hopefully just as it's opening and spray down the rest of the enemies. Turn to face door 4, where you'll exit the room. This one has a lot of enemies inside, including several of the larger bipedal flood. Throw a plasma right at the door or just inside, and follow that up with a frag thrown further back inside into the door and down the hall a bit.
This should hopefully clear most of the larger flood, though there will likely still be a few inside. Don't stand around trying to kill all of them though, just rush inside as soon as your plasma and frag have detonated, and turn right at the intersection and up the ramp. There will be a health pack at the top of the ramp if you need it. Turn left at the top and right into the next room. Turn right 45 degrees as you enter the room and look for a door with glowing green lights on either side.
You'll see one down on ground level too, but enter the one up your level above it. Continue through the narrow corridor beyond and into the next large room. Turn right 45 degrees as you enter this large room. You should see another door with glowing green lights beside it, this time down on ground level, so jump down and run through it.
Pass through the narrow corridor beyond and into the next large room. In this room, go directly across the room from the door you exited. Look for a pile of purple boxes to your right. Jump up onto them and up to the ledge above. Turn right and you should see a group of Grunts and Jackals. If you're lucky, you'll be able to rush over and jump to the door before they do too much damage to you. You'll need to if you're speed running. Go left on the other side of the door to find a dead body and a health pack, which you likely need at this point, and continue straight past it and down the corridor.
Turn right down the next corridor with the electricity in the central structures, and take the door on your left at the end. Exiting into the next room, turn right and go around the wall to find the lift platform that will take you down to a lower level. Similar to the first one, look for the horizontal lights in the V-shaped extension just to the left of where you activated the console.
Wedge yourself into the corner where the lights meet the angled wall, but this time do it in the corner at the left end of the lights rather than the right.
You'll drop off onto the slope of the wall that surrounds the exit door as you enter the large room and slide off to the left. Quickly run in past the flood and enter the door to your left. The normal route through the level forces you to drop down here and pass through several rooms, but if you can do a relatively simple grenade jump you can avoid all that.
Facing the light bridge, go to the front-right ledge of the platform you're currently on, grabbing an active camo along the way. Using either grenade type, throw a grenade down into the corner where the pillar to your right meets the floor.
As it detonates, you should be jumping straight out from the ledge slightly to the left really , aiming to land on the slope of the support pillar directly in front of you. From there you can jump over to the far platform, where the failing light bridge would have taken you, and enter the door to your right with the glowing green lights.
Continue through the small corridor beyond and into the next large room. As you enter the room, again turn 45 degrees to your left and drop down, proceeding directly over to the exit door with the glowing lights, and through the short corridor beyond. You'll come out into yet another large room with the dip in the center. Run straight across the room and into the door on the far side, and of course through the yet again small corridor beyond.
When you exit out into the next large room, turn 45 degrees to your right. You should see some boxes with lights on either side, aimed at an angle toward them. Switch to your AR as you jump onto the boxes, and drop it for the shotgun. You'll also get a health pack here if you need it. Turn left on the boxes and jump up onto the lower portion of the ledge above.
Follow the platform around the central structure to the far side of the upper level and enter the door with the glowing lights. Cross the bridge and throw a frag grenade into the hall straight ahead to clear some flood before pushing forward into the next large room, where you'll find another lift platform.
If you're not speed running, you can get the level's terminal here. As soon as you activate the console to start the lift platform on its trip up, turn around 90 degrees. Once the lift rises just enough to allow you to jump over onto the room above the door from whence you came, jump over and activate the glowing yellow light on the wall for Terminal 6 From the top of the lift, head for the ramp up out of the structure, grabbing ammo and health on your left if need be.
Turn left 45 degrees as you move out into the forest and push straight ahead until you reach a ravine that angles off to your right. Follow the ravine, hugging the wall on the left so the enemies dropping in can't damage you too much.
Once you get past them look at your radar to see the red dots , turn around degrees and shoot any following you as you continue backing away from them, so that you're still moving in the direction you need to go. Once you get clear of them, turn back around and look for the glowing red beacons ahead.
Stay outside of the circle formed by those red lights, and circle to the left, fighting off the flood as they approach you. Two Sentinels will drop in, so if you want to accelerate the mission's end you can grab a plasma weapon and destroy them, but often the flood will do that for you before you even have time, provided you circled to the left around those beacons and left a lot of the Flood alive in the center area between them. A cut scene will end the mission.
Warning: This mission is extremely difficult to speed run Legendary solo. I would highly advise doing it in co-op. It requires a couple of tricky grenade jumps, but it also boils down to some serious hordes of Flood enemies and the skill needed to rush past them without stopping to clear some spawns that feel infinite at times. At the very start, you should see two large square structures just ahead to your right. Keep the right-most one in mind for the upcoming jump.
First, push forward through swarm of Infection form Flood enemies. Just past these, you'll trigger the first group of larger enemies. Immediately turn around. Facing the way you came, run forward and throw a frag grenade at the base of the left square structure.
This is the one that was to the right at the mission's start. Jump up toward the structure as the grenade detonates to land on top of it. Turn left 90 degrees once on it to face toward the central 'pit' of the mission. Take a running start and jump across to that ledge, crouching at the end to ensure you make it.
Looking straight out across the pit, you should see a door directly ahead on the far side, and one to the left. That one on the left is the tunnel you would have come through if doing the 'normal' route. Make a bee line for that tunnel and exit the far side, dealing with a couple of Flood waiting there.
If not speed running, you can grab a skull here. Facing away from the large pit and back toward the area at the start of the level from this tunnel, look up to the right to see a large vent on the wall. This is one of the vents the Flood come out during the fight right here. Grenade jump onto the square structure nearest that vent, then jump over into it. Go up the ramp inside the vent to find the Black Eye skull Back in the tunnel and facing that same direction, away from the center of the room and toward the area closer to the level's start where that skull was, exit the tunnel.
Turn 45 degrees to your left and walk over to the gap between the two sloped supports. You should see 'We are near the Index Chamber, Follow me' at the bottom of the screen.
This is necessary to trigger Guilty Spark to move forward and progress the mission. Go back through the tunnel you just exited and hug the left wall to the next door. Going through that door and out into the next large area, you'll notice that all of the Flood on this 1st floor have despawned thanks to that grenade jump skip.
Go to the right here and look for a large bulkhead door on your left with lighting around it. Nearing it will cause Guilty Spark to fly off someplace to open the door for you. Once he opens the door, continue on to the right. There will be large holes in the wall to your left. The 2nd one you come to after passing through the security door will spit out a group of enemies. Wait for the group to jump out, and throw a frag at their feet as they are falling to take them out. One of them will have the shotgun, so make sure you swap out your AR for it as soon as it drops.
There will be Flood dropping in everywhere. It's not conceivable to instruct you on exactly where to look for them at every turn, so from here forward I am going to point out the turns to take and where to take cover, but not when and how to kill the Flood. Practice, use your judgment, and bring a battle buddy if you can.
Continue to the end of this hall, turning left around the corner. Hug the left wall until you reach a gap and go to the right into the next hall. At the end of this hall, turn right. You should see a crevice in the floor ahead of you. As you reach the end of this hall, jump up onto the slope to the right and over it to avoid fighting most of the flood here.
This is a tactic you should use throughout the mission when reaching the ends of the halls, just 'cutting corners' if you will by jumping onto and over these sloped walls. Again in this next hall, the path forward will open up to your right, but instead jump onto the slope and over it into that next hall on the right to dodge some flood.
You should now be in a hall with a yellow glow at the far end. That is the elevator to the next level. If a large group of flood drops in by that yellow opening, throw a frag in their midst. Otherwise, hurry forward and onto the elevator before any enemies catch up to you.
Once you reach the 2nd floor, turn left into the first hallway and left again at the end. Jump over the gap in the floor and go past the slope on the right.
Once you reach the 2nd slope, you will have to wait for the monitor return. Go back to the 1st slope and jump onto it. Go all the way up to the top against the wall to avoid having to deal with most of the enemies below, and wait. Once you see the yellow dot coming up on your radar behind you, jump down the slope and go around past the next one that triggered the sequence.
A large door will be opened by for you to pass through. Just past this door, the normal route would be to turn right and go around the perimeter of the structure. Instead, go straight forward to the edge of the pit. Crouch jump onto the sloped support to your right and over it.
Follow around the edge of the pit, jumping over three more slopes, to get to the far side. Here you'll reach another large door that has to open for you. The door will only open partially at first, but rather than waiting for it to open all the way, just toss a grenade at the base of the door and jump up to the sloped portion of the left half of the door, using the grenade blast to reach it. This will allow you to go through the gap in the door without waiting for it to open. Go right down the following hall until you reach a gap in the floor with flood exiting it.
If your health isn't full, look behind the pillar in the alcove at the right end of the gap for a health pack, then head down into the gap and the hallway below. There are exploding Flood forms here, so keep your distance and use the shotgun to detonate them.
As you exit the tunnel, look up on the ledge to your right and take out those Flood. You want to go to the left when you exit, but rather than turning that direction, stay facing toward the tunnel and backpedal that way so you can shotgun any flood in the area, or they'll melt you.
As you back up around the corner, you'll be in a hall with the big blue walls to your right. There will be an opening up ahead on the left, which you'll go through and turn right down the next hall. Be wary here, because when you turn right down that next hall, there will be flood at the far end with rocket launchers that have a nasty tendency of sniping you with said rockets. It's easiest to snipe them with the pistol zoomed in as you round the corner, strafing to the left so you don't get blown up.
Turn right just before the end of the hall where they were; go to the end of that hall; and make another right. Take a right at the end of this hall and an immediate left to head toward the whitish blue glow that signals the elevator and the end of the 2nd floor. From the start of the 3rd floor, just follow the blue arrows on the ground left around the first corner, and left again, to reach a gap in the floor the first one you come to on this portion. Drop down into the gap and head through the tunnel below.
When you exit the tunnel, turn left, then right at the end of this short hall, making sure to cut the corner by jumping over the sloped wall. Turn right around the next corner and proceed to the large door, where you'll have to wait for to open the door again. Hug the wall up against the corner to the left of the door and just hang out in that corner until it opens to prevent more flood from coming in.
As soon as the door opens, run through and look to your immediate left to take out a rocket launcher flood before going to the right out to the edge of the pit.
On the far side, you should see a glowing yellow light on a wall. This is Terminal 7 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? From the terminal, go back out to the ledge of the pit and continue to the right, around the next half of it. You will have gone nearly full circle, which is technically a longer route than the normal path, but it took you past the terminal and is also an easier and safer route, even for your speed run.
As you come around the edge of the pit, you should see a large door open to your right with a blue light in the middle of it. Head through that door to receive a checkpoint before turning right down the next hall. There is a health pack below the vent on your left right at the start of this hall. Go straight down the hall, jumping over the gap in the floor, and turn left around the corner, then left again followed by an immediate right, and another right.
You should now see a partially open door just a short distance ahead of you. Go through that opening and to the far end of the hall, where you'll be waiting for to open a closed door. Go all the way to the door and turn 90 degrees to the right. You should see a narrow alcove, which is where you want to hide. Go as far into the alcove as you can at its narrowest point, and wait.
As long as you got here quick enough and do not shoot or move at all, no enemies should attack you during the minute-long or so wait here at the door. As soon as the door opens, rush straight down the hallway ahead.
Make a right at the end, followed by another right and an immediate sharp left to head toward the reddish-orange glow marking the elevator and the end of this floor. Jump onto the elevator and take a trip up to the 4th floor. Take a right of the elevator, another right with an immediate left into the hall with the blue walls, and finally another left at the end of it.
Take extra care to clear the 2 or 3 enemies that drop down here before you make this last turn. Straight ahead will be another partially open door. Once again, just grenade jump onto the slope of the left half of the door, and walk up and through the gap in the door so you don't have to wait. After getting through that partially open door, you'll see a fully closed one just ahead. Go into the alcove on the left nearest the door, and all the way to the end so that you can once again hide and avoid having to fight while waiting for the door to open.
Once the door opens go straight to the end of the hall, left at the corner, then left again followed by an immediate right into the hall with the blue walls. At the end of this hall, turn right into a long hallway. Midway down this hall is a large door on your left that will open for you, which leads to the end of the mission. Before going into that door though, if you aren't speed running, go all the way to the far end of this hallway.
Once on the other side of it, just run out onto the bridge leading to the pillar of light to end the mission and unlock The Library. It's highly likely that you died at least once here, especially if it's your first run and on Legendary.
If so, replay the mission on Heroic for the no deaths achievement. Start up the mission on Legendary with the Bandana skull on. Once again I'll be describing, to the best of my ability, the speed run path for this mission. This includes a big glitch near the start that is pretty tricky to pull off, and will likely require you to watch Nak3d Eli's video while you practice it before attempting the speed run.
The speed run will obviously require you to kill many Grunts as well as pick up a new weapon since Bandana can't be used for the speed run , so you'll need to do a separate playthrough for Look Out for the Little Guys kill no Grunts , and Leave It Where It Lay don't pick up any new weapons. At the very beginning of the mission, just turn around and head to the back side of the circular platform you spawn on to find Terminal 8 From the start, use your Plasma Pistol to take out the Sentinels and open the door via the terminal.
Keep your distance and shoot the Grunts at the far end of this hall while the Sentinels above assist you. If you're lucky the Sentinels will kill at least one of the two Elites, if not both, but either way make your way down the hall and around the corner as fast as you can once all the Sentinels are dead. Open the next door with the terminal on the left.
When you reach the 3rd door, there will be a terminal to your right. This is where the despawn glitch takes place. Activate the terminal and the lights will start moving on it. The instant they stop less than a second after activating it , interact with it a 2nd time to activate it again. The timing takes practice, but it's a very brief pause between the 1st and 2nd activation.
Eli's speed run video shows this during the to segment. If done properly, only two Elites to the right and two Jackals to the left will remain outside, as the rest of the enemies despawn. Assuming success, throw a couple plasmas into the corner to the right just outside the door to deal with the Elites, and a frag at the Jackals. Go outside and straight down the front of the structure.
As you jump over the walls, make sure to hold back on the left stick so that you slide down the slope of the wall rather than jumping all the way down between levels to avoid fall damage. At the bottom, go straight out and hop into the Banshee. Fly it back up to the base of the structure and get the rockets and health pack just at the top of the right-hand side of the ramp on the lowest level.
From there, fly up to the top level where you exited the tunnel earlier. Park the Banshee just outside the door on the left side, facing out.
Step past the door and activate the terminal where you did the despawn glitch once more to respawn all the enemies, then immediately jump into the Banshee and fly away to avoid getting melted. From here, you have to follow a very specific path to make sure to trigger the continuation of the level. From here, angle upward and fly up to the waypoint at a doorway high above on the right side of the ravine when facing out from the structure. Some enemies will be coming out of this door, so shoot a Banshee bomb into the door and spray them down with before hopping out of your ride and heading inside.
Make sure you park your Banshee to the RIGHT of the door when facing it, as a new one you'll need spawns to the left of the door. Keep this in mind and do the same any time you park a Banshee outside a door.
Continue through the tunnel. For reference, the blue arrows here will be pointing away from you, in the direction you're going. At the far end, you'll have to step into the glowing pulse generator in the center of the room to disable it. Your shields will get knocked down when you do this. Return back the way you came as quickly as you can, before the Sentinels have a chance to exit the tunnel and start shooting at you too much.
Outside, your old banged up Banshee should be wherever you left it, but a brand new one should also be parked to the right of the door as you exit, so use that one. Fly down to a bridge below you. Facing the large structure where the mission started, head for the door on the left end of said bridge. Head into that door. For reference, the blue arrows here will actually be pointing toward you rather than in the direction you're travelling.
At the far end, go left around the perimeter of the room, shooting through the windows into the center of the room to deal with the enemies there. This room comes down more to skill than strategy. You need to deal with a handful of Elites and other foes quickly while making your way to the far side.
On the far side, take the ramp leading down with the yellow ambient lighting. Up the ramp at the other end and around the corner, you'll face a long room with enemies pouring in at the far end. Throw some grenades down into that corner as they come in and use rockets if necessary before you get overwhelmed.
Continue on past that spawn, down a short ramp. At the base of the next short ramp with yellow lighting, wait a few seconds so the Flood will start fighting the Covenant above. Once they do, go up the ramp and to the right. You'll see a health pack against a wall with gaps in it. Throw a few grenades through these gaps into the far side of the room at different angles to clear out as many enemies over there as you can. Eli uses I think four or five grenades AND a rocket through these gaps to clear that far side.
Still up against this wall where the health pack was, turn around degrees facing back toward the entrance to the room and jump onto the small ledge nearby. From there, crouch-jump up onto the walkway above that leads out into the center of the room. Turn right and walk out into the center, then jump over to your right to reach the area on the far side of that wall with the gaps through which you were spamming grenades a moment ago.
As you jump down from the walkway into this area, you should see the doorway just to your left, so book it for that exit. At the far end of this tunnel, you'll come out onto a bridge.
You'll have loads of Covenant on this bridge, with Flood on the bridge to the far left jumping over and engaging with them. There's no iron-clad solution here. Just make your way across the bridge killing what you need to as quickly as you can.
At the far end of the bridge, you'll advance through a tunnel into a large interior room with metric tons of Flood coming in from all angles.
Even Eli considers this room to be, in his opinion, the most difficult room in Halo CE. There's not much I can do to describe how to do this room due to the unpredictable nature of Halo's AI. Eli uses a rocket directly across the center of the room to start, followed by grenading the right side, then backing into the tunnel that you come from to take cover as the Flood advance, using the shotgun on them.
Use your best judgment; watch his video; and practice. After clearing the room, make your way through the tunnel on the far side and down more halls of horror. Be careful, as after the first couple of Elites that appear at the first hall and a few flood in the next, there will be a rocket flood with active camo that appears at the far end of the hall after the other enemies are dead.
He is deadly accurate but usually won't rush you, so save a rocket for him. Take cover behind a pillar and shoot near the telltale camo ripple to kill him with the splash damage. The next room you come to is a bit easier, and you should be able to rush directly across the center of the room, only killing a couple of enemies. Grab the health pack and rocket ammo on the far side right near the door and hightail it out of there. Through the tunnel, you'll exit out onto another bridge.
There will be flood forms here and two Banshees overhead. Skull 2: Mythic - After exiting the life boat walk towards the waterfall that is in the distance slightly to the right. The skull will be behind the large rock near the waterfall. Skull 3: Boom - Before entering the tunnel with the Warthog you must go along the small ledge above it. Hugging this right wall all the way until you are directly above the tunnel entrance will yield you this explosive skull.
Terminal 2 - After getting the Warthog, drive through the tunnel and this terminal is hard to miss. It will be glowing bright yellow in the dark and is along the path you must drive on. Skull 4: Foreign - When you enter the hanger you will begin a large scale battle. Near the end of this battle two Hunters will spawn out of the corner door on the side with the Wraith tank.
Run through this door quickly and look left to find the skull. Make sure to get in before the door closes! Terminal 3 - When getting near to the brig you will pass through a control room with a raised centre platform that is guarded by an Elite with a sword.
Clear out the room and then walk up into the centre area to find a large red glowing control panel. Jump down, and more enemies should spawn from the platform you descended from. Clear the room and then you'll be free to get the Famine Skull, which is on the platform opposite of where you entered the room.
Destroy the windows and jump up using a Grenade Jump or Crouch Jump off one of the many toppled over items in the room. You can use grenades to get one of the purple structures closer to the ledge for an easy jump too. You'll see the Famine Skull in the middle of four wiggling Flood. Step into their weird circle and the Famine Skull is yours. In the room that the block is blocking there are two dead grunts and two plasma swords. There's a door being blocked by a rock.
Jump on the rock. Then jump on the ledge that's located above the blocked doorway. Turn left and jump up on another ledge. Grenade jump up to where you'll find Two Red Elites - That become cloaked, surrounding a skull. Pick it up, and it reads Envy. Just after you get off the gondola, and go in the structure, there is a big block of stone, jump on that an you can get on a ledge that leads out to the Covenant turrets, facing back towards the structure, jump up another level around the right side of the structure, It is pretty straight lined from here.
You should find the Skull on a ledge when you make it around. Easy becomes Normal and Legendary becomes Mythic. Difficulty: Legendary Level: Quarantine Zone Word: Sputnik Effect: Explosions and melee have more of an effect on objects, which may be the result of less gravity. Enemies who are meleed will also be turned around, making for an easy assassination. From the start of the level, look to your left for an Elite.
To the left of the Elite there is a tunnel. Head into the tunnel and go straight until you reach a cliff. Now turn left and follow the cliff till you reach a rock wall. To the right of the wall and the cliff is a narrow ledge, skull is at the end of that ledge. Fight all the way through the Covenant city until you reach the outdoors. As soon as you are outside, stick to the right-hand side and walk along the wall. You should see a Covenant wall thingy with a red rail on it.
Jump up to it crouch jump helps and at the end there is the Anger skull in a small grav-lift. Once you reach the armory where, amongst other weapons, a Fuel Rod and Rocket Launcher can be found , pick up some Frag Grenades on the right side of the room. Once you have these, walk out of the door on the opposite side of the room, turn around facing the armory door, and grenade jump up to a platform above the door.
This is the Ghost skull. On the final grav-lift on " high Charity ", look up. A skull will pass you by. Hold X as it passes you to receive the status. So you can get a bit at a time all the way to overshield! If you take a banshee to the tower you will notice that, aside from where spires jut out of it, it has a round slope all the way around.
If you take the banshee right up to the slope and as high as you can go, you can almost get over it. Here you must jump out of your banshee to land on the less steep part of the slope. If you turn your banshee to the side or all the way around, it may make it easier to land on the less steep part.
Also, try to have your banshee land on a platform below, so you can use it to get back. Once you are on the slope, climb the rest of the way up it. If you are on the right of the door, then you have to jump onto the ledge next to the main part of the building, and then walk up a steep part in the direction of the door.
Walk up that, then around and down on the other side. On this side left of the door from scarab's perspective you can walk onto the hills and grass. You will notice several angled spires, some of which connect to the building.
You must climb the one that is directly opposite the door you would use to enter the tower. It's steep but you can walk up it. I suggest jumping while walking to speed up the process. At the top is a skull which gives you the "black eye" effect - you only recover shields by meleeing enemies. This is only found on legendary. Reverse the process to get back to your banshee hopefully or just jump off a cliff and the effect will stay with you.
Last Edited: 16 May am. Note : The Sputnik Skull helps a lot here, but it's possible to get the Thunderstorm Skull without it. First, clear this large room right outside the armory. Tip: It is also possible to Grenade Jump up to the platform if you can't stay on the rails. Just get on the ground near the platform the Skull is on and Grenade Jump. Was this guide helpful?