What makes a law enforceable

By promising not to do something that you would otherwise be able to do, you have passed consideration. The only exception is when there is a duty owed to a third party. After making sure your contract has contractual consideration, you need to see if each party signing the contract has the legal capacity to understand what they are getting into.

Of course, there are exceptions and ways to get around these hurdles. For instance, a minor can have a legal personal representative, and a certified translator can provide a reliable translation of the contract. Finally, a contract has to be legal in the jurisdiction it will be operating in. A contract for an illegal product or action will not be enforced. Not knowing the law is not an excuse either: an illegal contract will still be held invalid even if the parties did not know that their contract was illegal.

The following circumstances will also render a contract illegal:. Software and automation can help you keep track of all elements of contract enforceability, from offer to legality. With systems like Ironclad, you can minimize your risk of getting caught in a bad contract, and ensure compliance across the board. Now that you know when a contract is enforceable and what an enforceable contract is, you should consider using contract automation software and digital contracting tools to help ensure that every contract is enforceable.

Ironclad Editor is a premier digital contracting tool that can help you create enforceable and effective contracts. If the contract contains any clauses that are against the law, they will not be enforced. Contracts that must be in writing to be enforced by the law are listed under the statute of frauds.

The contract types may vary by state but common contracts that must be in writing include:. A legal purpose in contract law is an essential component of an agreement. The agreement is legally binding as long as it includes legal activities and actions. A legal obligation is taking the action or abstaining from an action based on the legality of the obligation. When writing a contract, the agreement made must have a legal purpose.

If it is not legal, there is a legal obligation to not follow through with the contract. However, it is important to note that there is no punitive damages for contractual remedies, and the non-breaching party may not be awarded more than the expectancy monetary value of the contract, had it been fully performed.

However, in certain circumstances, certain promises that are not considered contracts may be enforced to a limited extent. In another circumstance, the court may award Unjust Enrichment to a party, if the party who confers a benefit on another party, if it would be unjust for the party receiving the benefit to keep it without paying for it.

Finally, one modern concern that has risen in the contract law is the increasing use of a special type of contract known as " Contracts of Adhesion " or form-contracts. This type of contract may be beneficial for some parties, because of the convenience and the ability by the strong party in a case to force the terms of the contract to a weaker party. Examples include mortgage agreements, lease agreements, online purchase or sign-up agreements, etc.

In some cases, courts look at these adhesion contracts with a special scrutiny due to the possibility of unequal bargaining power, unfairness, and unconscionability. Please help us improve our site!

No thank you. LII Wex Contract. An example of an enforceable contract is when two or more people make an agreement or contractual obligation that allows one of the parties to lawfully force the other to do something. To be enforceable, a contract needs to have both an offer from one party and an acceptance from another party.

When the parties both agree to and sign a contract, they are then obligated to follow the rules as established under contract law. They are also obligated to do what they've agreed to do. Whether the agreement will be ruled legally enforceable is one of the most important things to consider when negotiating a business contract. Contracts are built to be legally binding. Once mutually agreed upon, contracts become enforceable agreements between the parties involved.


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