Both ciento and siento are Spanish words. Is "enferma"s the feminine of enfermos? I found "enferma" in addition to enfermo listed on the google spanish to english dictionary. Not really; it's better translated as, "I feel for you" or "I am sorry". Which makes it too intense in most cases to use as a simple "Excuse me". Get started. July 17, September 6, Some Americans use "poorly," at least in my region. September 8, June 29, Anna August 26, F Mod. August 1, CharlotteMCrick Plus I got marked wrong for ill rather than sick.
Add new translation Add new request. Translations of "Hoy lo siento". English Jeremy Justin. English ang. Italian ang. Idioms from "Hoy lo siento". Login or register to post comments. Music Tales. About translator. Jeremy Justin.
Contributions: 8 translations, 95 thanks received, 1 translation request fulfilled for 1 member, left 3 comments. Vale, lo siento de verdad. Okay, I'm really sorry. Vale, lo siento , abuelita. All right, sorry , Nana. Vale, lo siento , pero no hay segunda oportunidad. Okay, well I'm sorry , but you don't get seconds. Vale, lo siento por ti. Okay, I feel for you. Vale, lo siento , Libby. Okay, I'm sorry , Libby. Vale, lo siento estaba nerviosa.
OK, I'm sorry I snapped. Okay, I'm so sorry , sweetie. Okay, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you for it. Vale, lo siento , Brick.
Okay, I'm-I'm sorry , Brick.