Wry grins and comical expressions leap from the canvas. Sassy portraits won Ducreux a second life. Notorious B. To our mind, there are few better ways to honor the work of an unusual artist than to make them go viral.
Got questions, comments or corrections about Joseph Ducreux? Obelisk uses cookies to measure site usage, helping us understand our readers' interests and improve the site. By continuing to browse this site you agree to the use of cookies. Cookie Policy. About Store Chat Membership Kaleidoscope. Change Mode. He was also influenced by Jean-Baptiste Greuze's oil technique.
An instant success, he was made a baron and premier peintre de la reine First Painter to the Queen. In the late s, the irascible Ducreux painted "character" self-portraits, using his own face to study various expressions, then a popular field for artistic exploration. While in London avoiding the French Revolution , he engraved and published three of these expressive self-portraits and drew the last portrait ever made of Louis XVI.
In Ducreux returned to Paris, where he became associated with Jacques-Louis David, who helped him continue an official career. Main Photo. Joseph Ducreux. School period Add photo. Career Add photo. Achievements Add photo. Membership Add photo. Awards Add photo. Other Photos Add photo. Connections Add photo. Louis Antoine de Bougainville. Jean-Baptiste Brequin de Demenge. Charles Joseph de Pallu. Le Discret. Self-portrait, yawning.
Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria. Portrait de l'artiste sous les traits d'un moqueur. Portrait of a Gentleman. Portrait of an Elderly Woman. Portrait of a Man. The Jealous Husband. Portrait de Louis XVI. Portrait of a young woman, at bust-length. Portrait de femme avec son chien.