If you are on one of these benefits being made redundant does not mean you will have to claim Universal Credit. You may have a choice whether to remain on your existing benefits or switch to Universal credit instead, but the DWP will not automatically move you over to Universal Credit, you have to actually make the claim yourself. If you are in this situation you should get further advice as claiming Universal Credit could make you worse off.
Universal Credit is made up of different elements depending on your circumstances and can include elements for children, childcare and rent. If you have a partner you need to claim jointly and their income and savings are taken into account. There is no set amount of Universal Credit you will get as it all depends on your financial situation. It is designed to be a flexible benefit so can adjust if your circumstances change.
It is paid monthly in arrears and it takes around 5 weeks for your first payment to come through, although you can get an advance of your first payment sooner. Capital includes things such as savings and investments. You can apply for Universal Credit online. Depending on your circumstances there may be other benefits you can claim. It is worth checking with your local council if you can get Council Tax Reduction to help with your council tax.
You may be entitled to free school meals or help with health costs. The best way for you to check all of the benefits you are entitled to is to use a free benefits calculator.
If you live in another part of the UK, the law may differ. You are entitled to the statutory legal minimum redundancy pay, providing you have worked for your employer continuously for at least two years.
You are due half a week's pay for every continuous year of service under age 22, a full week's pay for every full year between ages 22 and 41, and 1.
Calculate your entitlement at Gov. With any luck, your employer will be more generous. If they try to undercut these minimum limits - complain! Go to your employer first, then your union, if you have one, or any internal grievance system. If that still doesn't help, the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service Acas can give you free and impartial advice. If your company is axing more than 20 posts within 90 days, it is legally obliged to consult any recognised union, which can negotiate a redundancy package on your behalf.
If less than 20 posts are being made redundant, your boss must consult directly with you and anybody else losing their job. Don't forget to include reimbursement for any unused holiday, outstanding expenses and employee benefits in any negotiations.
Your employer should try to find another post in the company that reflects your skills and education, which you aren't obliged to accept. It isn't obliged to help you find work elsewhere. If your employer wishes to keep you on or offers you a suitable alternative role and you refuse it without good reason, you won't be entitled to redundancy pay. You could also use a benefit calculator from an independent organisation.
You may be able to get a home visit from a Department for Work and Pensions DWP officer if you need extra help to claim benefits, for example because you:. How to arrange a support visit. If you owe money, there are different ways to pay it back and get support, such as the Breathing Space scheme.
Find out about:. If your employer is insolvent, you can apply to the government for money your employer owes you , including redundancy pay and notice pay. If you claim for notice pay, any money you get or could have got by claiming benefits during your notice period will be deducted from your payment. Find out about applying for money your employer owes you if you were on furlough before being made redundant.
Check if you can claim a tax refund. Use the Check your State Pension forecast service to find out how much State Pension you could get, when you can get it and how to increase it, if you can. You might also be able to get Pension Credit and Housing Benefit.
To find out how redundancy affects your workplace pension, ask your previous employer or pension provider. If your employer is insolvent, you can get information about how this might affect your pension from the Pension Protection Fund. Clarified that you may be entitled to New Style Jobseeker's Allowance if you are currently working less than 16 hours a week.