Remember to spread out your applications over time, to avoid lowering your score. The next step is to look at your credit history, to see if you can spot anything that may have put the lender off. One way to do this is by checking your Experian Credit Report. You can order a copy of your statutory report in either digital or print format.
Alternatively, you may want to sign up to a CreditExpert paid subscription , for tips on how to improve your score, report alerts about certain changes to your data, and full access to your report at any time.
You can show them this by paying your regular payments e. Application rejected? Mortgage application quick facts There are 11 million mortgages in the UK The average age of someone applying for a mortgage is 30 years old. Approximately 25,, people apply for a first time buyer mortgage every month, depending on the time of year and the economy. Share on:. The ultimate guide to getting mortgage ready. Help to Buy: First time buyers have 2 more years to save up!
The nearly-true facts of renting versus owning a home. How to exchange contracts on a property. On good form? How to apply for a mortgage. I'm not ready to start my home owning journey yet! How to find the right solicitor. Time to rummage around in your financial files.
Research the property market. A mortgage broker will be able to help you figure out what went wrong, whether an appeal is worthwhile or whether you can apply to another lender.
Use our online mortgage finder service to find the right mortgage for you. They will know which lenders will accept your income. As part of the mortgage application process your lender will conduct their own valuation of the property you are hoping to buy. This can lead to your application being rejected. This might happen if the surveyor has down-valued the property.
Or, they have concerns about its suitability as security on the loan. If your valuation has caused a rejection due to construction materials, then another lender may be happy to lend. Down-valuations are a bigger problem. Unless there are specific comparable properties that support the price you are paying it can be hard to argue against their valuation. A down valuation means they will not lend as much and could mean the home you want to buy becomes unaffordable.
Our late consumer journalist, Christine Toner, successfully challenged her own lenders valuation. Our lender asked us to provide an independent roofing and damp and timber reports. Christine read through the reports herself and was amazed at how much the lender had downgraded the mortgage valuation by.
Christine prepared for battle and picked up the phone. If it does though it can be very costly. Find out what went wrong. If it was due to something you failed to disclose on your initial application, then you are unlikely to get another mortgage.
For example, if you tried to hide a bankruptcy or gave false information. If it is due to another, fixable, reason — for example, your finances changed — then you need to secure another mortgage fast.
A mortgage broker will be worth their weight in gold here as they can help you find the lender most likely to approve you. They can also help you get in a new application quickly.
Mortgage offers are usually only valid for six months. Updated: November 8, With the right advice, it could be possible to salvage your mortgage plans and get a great deal! What are you looking for? Specific reasons why mortgages are declined Income and affordability issues Bad credit Deposit requirements Bank overdrafts A history of gambling Declined by the underwriter Property under-valued Declined after contract exchange Other possible reasons.
Mortgage application declined? Here are the steps to take to boost your chances of turning that rejection into an approval… 1. Think about your credit report A big consideration when re-applying again is the impact this can have on your credit report — too many requests for finance in a short space of time can raise a red flag to lenders, putting future applications at risk.
Get advice from a declined mortgages expert Get Expert Advice Ask Us A Question Ask Us A Question We know everyone's circumstances are different, that's why we work with mortgage brokers who are experts in previously declined applications. See why customers love us Helping customers that have been declined in the past is what we do best.
Get Expert Advice. Online Mortgage Advisor found me a new broker and he secured my mortgage straight away! I was gutted. After to speaking to Online Mortgage Advisor things started to go smoothly and we got approved! Common reasons why a mortgage application would be rejected The vast majority of the time, mortgage applications are rejected because the applicant approached the wrong lender or was given bad advice by the wrong broker.
Bad credit or failing credit report checks Some mortgage lenders decline customers with bad credit on the spot, while others will only consider approving them with caveats in place.
Arranged or unarranged overdrafts In the eyes of some mortgage lenders, being in your overdraft is a sign of financial mismanagement. Declined after contract exchange.
Declined by the underwriter Underwriters can decline an application for reasons including bad credit and application discrepancies, but the right mortgage broker could help you overcome these issues.
Been declined for another reason? We can still help you out… The above are merely a handful of the issues the mortgage advisors we work with can help you bounce back from. Article key takeaways This can feel like a major setback, but bear in mind that, with the right advice, it could be possible to renegotiate with the lender who declined you or find a better deal elsewhere.
Our advisor-matching service is simple, fast and free, and the expert we pair you up with will make sure you find the ideal lender this time. FAQs Will I be refused for a mortgage? What happens if a mortgage application is declined? How long should I wait before I re-apply?