How many final fantasy are there

US: , [40]. Final Fantasy VII. JP: 4,, [n 11] Overseas: 5. Final Fantasy VII demo. JP: , [76] US: 99, [77]. PSN Android. WW: 5 million [14] JP: 1 million 3 days [13]. WW: 8. Final Fantasy IX. Final Fantasy X. JP: 31, []. Final Fantasy X WW: 5. JP: 16, []. Final Fantasy XI Online. PS2 PC. Characters: 2 million [] Steam: 44, []. JP: , []. Final Fantasy XII. Ivalice Alliance. Final Fantasy Tactics. PS: 2.

Vagrant Story. JP: , [] US: , [77]. PS3 X Steam. PS3: 4. WW: Final Fantasy XV. PS4: 8. Final Fantasy Type JP: , [] [31]. Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.

PS4 X1 Steam. The Final Fantasy Legend. Final Fantasy Adventure. JP: , [1] Overseas: , [1]. Sword of Mana. Adventures of Mana. JP: 49, []. JP: , [n 24]. Wii: , [] DS: 74, []. GameCube DS Wii. Global: 2 million []. JP: 75, []. Dissidia Final Fantasy. Dissidia: Final Fantasy. JP: 3, []. Dissidia Final Fantasy NT. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius. JP: k [] Overseas: k Steam: 28, []. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

DVD rentals. Advent Children Complete. Final Fantasy XV Universe. Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV. Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV. Nobuo Uematsu. Megumi Ida Nobuo Uematsu. Final Fantasy V: Dear Friends.

Final Fantasy VII series. Rikki Nobuo Uematsu. Nobuo Uematsu Keiji Kawamori. Kyosuke Himuro Gerard Way. Kyosuke Himuro. Masashi Hamauzu Gackt. The Eleventh Day: Single Collection. Takeharu Ishimoto Nobuo Uematsu. Sing to the Sky. Ayaka's History — Ayaka's Best: Ballad Collection.

Rainbow Road. Faye Wong Nobuo Uematsu. Angela Aki. Emiko Shiratori Nobuo Uematsu. Final Fantasy X: Original Soundtrack. Final Fantasy X: Vocal Collection. Piano Collections: Final Fantasy X. Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy , a Final Fantasy subseries, expands on the lore of the franchise, exploring the themes established in its flagship title, Final Fantasy 8. The sub-series introduced six additional titles across several platforms, most of which served as sequels for Final Fantasy 8.

The Final Fantasy franchise has spawned over 20 spin-off games and series ranging from card battlers to 3D fighters. While most of these titles use elements from the main series, not all are true Final Fantasy fare. Minerva seems to have a connection to the will of Gaia, apparently being the embodiment of the Lifestream. The most prominent location on Gaia is Midgar , a polluted metropolis governed by the Shinra Electric Power Company whose mako reactors herald an environmental disaster on the planet.

The game follows in the footsteps of Final Fantasy VI in presenting a world with more advanced technology than previous installments. The gamut of the game's technology covers space flight, robotics, advanced genetic engineering, automatic firearms, directed energy weapons, automobiles , helicopters, cellphones and major global corporations; the level of technology in Gaia could be said to approximate that of near-future science fiction.

The ancient ruins of the Tomb of the Unknown King. The world has no known name, but it is composed of four large continents and one small continent along with several islands of varying sizes.

Travel is facilitated mainly by trains and cars. Because of the worldwide radio interference , communications across the world are suppressed, and no worldwide information network exists. Guardian Forces are beings of immense power that can offer theirs to complement another's.

It is unknown how they are formed, or even where they come from, but they are found in various parts of the world. The planet has a moon that is populated by monsters. In a phenomenon called the Lunar Cry , the monsters fall onto the planet in an event that can destroy entire civilizations. The world was designed after western European aesthetic and though mostly relative to real-world late 's—particularly —there are some instances in the world where the extent of technology dips into the realm of science fiction.

Gaia is a young planet that consists of four major continents: the Mist Continent , the Outer Continent , the Lost Continent , and the Forgotten Continent. Majority of Gaians live on the Mist Continent, and few travel to, or are even aware of, the other three continents. Gaia has two moons , one blue moon, and one red. Though the planet presumably used to be lush, in current times it is mostly barren. The most vibrant of the continents, the Mist Continent, is covered in a harmful substance known as the Mist sending most sentient races to live in the plateaus above it.

The mysterious world of Terra is a stark opposite of Gaia in many ways, but most are unaware of its existence as the two are not geographically connected. Memoria is a place born out of the memories from all walks of life on Gaia, including the earliest recollections of the planet itself.

By venturing into its depths one can eventually discover the true form of the universe. Final Fantasy IX was meant to capture the "essence" of Final Fantasy , and the theme of crystals that had been present since the beginning of the series is brought back, the crystal now representing the interconnecting life force of the universe.

The game world was designed with traditional Final Fantasy world in mind, and the game makes numerous allusions to previous games. Gaia's world map resembles the map of the first Final Fantasy with almost identical positioning of three of the four continents. Spira is composed of a mainland continent with several smaller islands.

Its climate is diverse. On the southern part of the continent, Spira's climate resembles the real-world climate of the South Pacific Ocean. The climate gets colder toward the north. With the exception of the snowy mountain trails of Mt. Gagazet , the northern tip of the continent has a temperate or mildly warm climate and lighter clothing is worn by the area's occupants.

Spira's unique fauna composes mainly of fiends , hostile monsters. The colossal monster Sin and the temple of Yevon dominate Spiran life. Sin destroys any large cities, and Yevon spreads its teachings on how repentance can one day rid the world of the monster. Yevon is the protector of a much diminished world—a world where technological and social progress has stalled for years, ever since Sin appeared. The sport blitzball unites the world around a common passion.

The energy of the world manifests as pyreflies. They are closely linked with the lifeforce of beings by being the form that disembodied spiritual energy takes. Pyreflies are usually invisible, but can be seen when condensed in high concentrations, and exist everywhere and in everything in Spira. The Farplane is an underworld of sorts that is a gathering place for the dead, and a realm full of pyreflies.

Unlike previous Final Fantasy worlds, Spira is pointedly South East Asian in its feel, most notably with respect to vegetation, topography, architecture and names. The world also draws heavily from Japanese mythology with a spirit world that has geographical continuity with the mortal plane, and the fayth that manifest as aeons , among other aspects.

It has been said that in ages past a sentient jewel banished the darkness. Its iridescent light filled the world with life and brought forth mighty Gods who in time fell into slumber. That world was called Vana'diel. Vana'diel's intelligent races are divided into the Enlightened Races and the Beastmen horde. The two factions are in an unofficial war. Vana'diel is broken up into regions across various landmasses, which are then broken up into zones.

These locations are where adventurers travel to defeat monsters, complete quests and get from one city to another. Ivalice is a geographical region in the world populated by a handful of unique races, each with its own culture and traditions. Ivalice is made up of three continents: Ordalia, Valendia and Kerwon, that all have distinct characteristics.

Mist is a mystical phenomenon related to crystals that allows the use of magick and other phenomena. Mist appears linked to an alternate dimension, as Espers are said to have been banished from the mortal realm to "walk the Mist" and can only manifest in the physical realm when called upon by a summoner, or when a trespasser breaches an area they have been bound to guard.

When densely concentrated, Mist becomes visible as a fog, and it gathers in both living beings and stones called magicite. Jagds are a prevalent geographical element heavily filled with Mist. Jagds can be found all around Ivalice, and each have different characteristics. Airship travel is usually not possible on Jagd, and they are not inhabited by humes.

The soil infused with magicite can form sky continents only approached by airship. In time, the Legend of the Floating Land became an ambition for sky pirates who sought the island and the riches of legend that it held. This world is the setting for the Lightning Saga games, but is distinctly different in each installment.

The world is divided, with most of mankind living in the artificial floating continent of Cocoon, which floats above the land of Gran Pulse like a low-hanging moon. Although Cocoon has the appearance of a small planetoid, it is hollow and its inhabitants live inside of the shell. It is a futuristic paradise filled with advanced technology which protects it against the supposed intruders from the planet below.


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