Can industrial ecology be the science of sustainability

Don't have an account? This chapter explores how the interdisciplinary field of industrial ecology, a blend of environmental science, social science, engineering, and management, can help deliver sustainable development goals SDGs.

As a systems science, industrial ecology provides a source of knowledge that can guide sustainable manufacturing, waste and pollution reduction, and offer a framework for extending the life of physical goods in a circular economy. The chapter focuses on four industrial ecology approaches: material stock and flow analysis, life-cycle assessment, input-output analysis, and industrial symbiosis, offering descriptions and case examples that relate to specific SDGs and targets.

Although these approaches are relevant to a broad range of SDG targets, the authors focus on those pertaining to responsible and efficient use of water and energy SDG6 and target 7. Industrial ecology approaches are also beneficial to rapidly industrializing countries, where improvements in economic performance and the environment must be carefully balanced.

Finally, by tracking flows of material and energy, industrial ecology promotes resource efficiency and provides a strong basis for making sustainable production and consumption decisions. Keywords: industrial ecology , physical goods , material flow analysis , life-cycle assessment , input-output analysis , industrial symbiosis , industrializing countries , resource efficiency , sustainable production , sustainable consumption. Oxford Scholarship Online requires a subscription or purchase to access the full text of books within the service.

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Download references. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Peter A. Economic district where a variety of economic entities collaborate in managing environmental and resource matters. Reprints and Permissions. Industrial ecology: engineered representation of sustainability. Sustain Sci 3, — Download citation. Received : 16 May Accepted : 17 October Published : 20 November Issue Date : April Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Abstract Industrial ecology is a relatively new field of research and academic study and is well established in North America and in several Asian countries.

References Allenby BR Industrial ecology: policy framework and implementation. Cambridge University Press, London Google Scholar Elkington J Towards the sustainable corporation: win—win—win business strategies for sustainable development.

In: von Hauff M ed Die Zukunft der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft The future of the social market economy , Marburg, pp — von Hauff M, Kleine A Methodological approach for the systemization of the areas of action and the indicators of a sustainability strategy: the integrative sustainability triangle. Int J Environ Sus Dev — Article Google Scholar von Hauff M, Kleine A Methodical approach for the systematization and implementation of corporate social responsibility——application of the integrative sustainability triangle.

Wilderer Authors Michael von Hauff View author publications. View author publications. Rights and permissions Reprints and Permissions. A4: In addition to environmental protection and conservation benefits, IE offers firms financial benefits. Firms can save costs through limiting their waste, purchasing less materials, and avoiding waste disposal fees by sharing it with other industries to use in their production processes, as demonstrated in the Kalundbord Symbiosis example.

A5: Industrial sector emissions make up 21 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and ecological approaches to industrial policy could help drive down emissions in this large sector.

IE design can help move manufacturing into the circular economy , allowing for longer-term sustainability and waste reduction among both small and large firms operating domestically and internationally. However, the climate gains of IE can only be achieved if ecological design impacts industrial policy on a large scale. The International Institute for Sustainable Development IISD cites six persistent perceived barriers facing successful implementation of IE projects: insufficient financial returns, lack of regulation, limited technology, lack of awareness, organizational complexity, and limited customer demand.

While IE projects can be highly efficient and commercially successful, they can require high start-up costs. For example, facilities required to recycle wastewater within an industrial ecosystem require large capital investment and ongoing maintenance. Incremental refinements to decrease carbon intensity also require strong human capital expertise, a capacity that can be difficult to build instantly in developing countries.

As the world pursues deeper decarbonization, IE can help firms and countries alike streamline resources, reduce waste, and encourage sectors to engage in regenerative circularity. Complemented with other public and private sector initiatives, such as government ratification of the Basel Convention or voluntary safe disposal of unusable waste, IE is a necessary enhancement to existing markets that better aligns smart business decisions with climate efficiency goals.

Thus far, IE has largely occurred voluntarily. However, governments can—and should—play a role in encouraging more firms and sectors to adopt IE methods. Governments can encourage the intentional adoption of IE through financial support and incentives, targeted regulatory framework, and ongoing engagement with the private sector. In the case of IE, the best business environment can be cultivated by taking a page from the natural ecosystem playbook.

Critical Questions is produced by the Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS , a private, tax-exempt institution focusing on international public policy issues. Its research is nonpartisan and nonproprietary. CSIS does not take specific policy positions. Accordingly, all views, positions, and conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author s. All rights reserved. Skip to main content.

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