Can i solo zakum at 120

Easy enough. Normal Papulatus HP: 16,,, Mechanics are a bigger factor than range in a party, but you need both to solo. Chaos Vellum HP: ,,, Lotus HP: 1,,,, 1. Hard Lotus HP: 37,,,, Damien HP: 1,,,, 1. Hard Damien HP: 37,,,, Information adopted from: MaplestoryWiki. Approximates are from: Reddit Ekanselttar Reddit Masterobert. Images taken from: MaplestoryWiki. Dont know about the touch damage but the empress does about 51, via reflect.

It would have been nice had Nexon allowed players getting killed to get back into the battle without the use of Wheels. Empress owns the best players with the Godliest possible HPs possible HP So well go by whatever you can afford and use skillwork, HP is about 3 times more expensive to get since Nexon nerfed MP gained from Int at level ups except for mage classes.

Random Mar 30, pm […]. Also idk about anyone else, but I play a Kaiser with about 3. Is there any way you can recommend a certain amount of Damage per line, or DPS to beat bosses within certain times, kind of like how you mentioned about kk for CHT within 10 minutes?

Its actually kind of frustrating. Glad to see people are still commenting on this! Atleast now we have Practice Mode for alot of chaos bosses!! I can do basically anything with 60Bil health or less Chaos Pink Bean and Normal Cygnus even though my buffed range in final form is around 3.

Another option could be to go by main stat. I have about When it says damage range, is it the range shown when we open the ability tab or our damage range down on monster? When they talk about range, its the numbers in your ability tab.

Usually, its at the very top of the detailed stats with it being called damage. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Error: Please make sure the Twitter account is public. Damage Required to Boss 29th June Hello there!

Replacement weapon lvl Well I haven't been on MS in a while. I signed on and received the Cash Shop box that gave scrolls and whatnot. My trusty old atk PSB not super summer surfboard blew up.

I'm only sad because that was the first PSB I ever found lol. So what would be a good replacement weapon to use for now?

This boss guide to required ranges and other metrics is presented based on the boss difficulty list order within MapleStory bottom to top, left to right and is for solo kills. To adjust for party split the required damage range across the number of party members IED minimums though do not change based on your party numbers. It currently goes up to Easy Lucid as end game bosses from that point onwards have too many variables, party dynamics, mechanic skill levels and your own class considerations to even be remotely accurate.

Sam has played MapleStory since beta with thousands of Steam hours played and regularly returns to the game for the MMO progression curve, boss challenges and community it offers.

His favourite class is his level Night Lord for its fast ranged attacks and solo boss potential who is currently exploring the ends of the Arcane River while building up Legion characters on the Scania server. MapleStory Boss Ranges Overview While the concept of boss range charts in MapleStory is widely requested and discussed in the community they are inherently an imperfect tool given the vast game mechanics and classes available.

The different metrics used in this guide below are: Level : Level is an important consideration of whether or not you are ready to face the next boss. Damage Range : A good initial checkpoint to see if you are in the right league of the boss you intend to fight. This should be your fully buffed range shown on your character stat window and based on only your damage range, you could fight these bosses earlier in a party by combining your damage ranges together.

All the damage ranges in this guide are based on Reboot requirements which are often inflated compared to normal MapleStory servers due to the damage buff Reboot characters get per level. If you are on a Normal MapleStory server you can cut this damage range figure in half.

Improving your damage range is significantly driven by your weapon, secondary and emblem potential with minor boosts coming from things like Inner Ability and other best in slot items totems , titles , medals , etc.

Dojo Floor : The dojo floor that you can reach on your character. This is a useful alternative metric as it gives a consistent challenge for comparison and in my opinion is even more reliable than damage range. Main Stat : Given the importance of main stat in character progression in the MapleStory universe this is another useful checkpoint to your boss readiness status and is another quick option for comparison.

This can also help gauge how far along you are with potential and Star Force on your gear which are both key to bossing and training power.


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