The oral dose usually ranges from 1mg to 6 mg. The dose of the injection usually ranges from Only your healthcare provider can determine the correct dose for you.
Use a calendar, pillbox, alarm clock, or cell phone alert to help you remember to take your medication. You may also ask a family member or a friend to remind you or check in with you to be sure you are taking your medication.
Risperidone orally disintegrating tablets must remain in their original packaging. Open the package with clean dry hands before each dose. Do not try to put tablets in a pillbox if you take the orally disintegrating tablets. Risperidone orally disintegrating tablets will dissolve in your mouth within seconds and can be swallowed with or without liquid.
Risperidone liquid should be measured with a dosing spoon or oral syringe, which you can get from your pharmacy. It should be administered by your health care professional through an injection into your upper arm or buttocks area.
The medication effects last for approximately 2 weeks. It should be administered by your health care professional through an injection under the skin of your abdominal area. After receiving the injection, you may have a lump for several weeks that will decrease in size over time.
It is important that you not rub or massage the injection site and to be aware of the placement of any belts or clothing waistbands. If you miss a dose of risperidone, take it as soon as you remember, unless it is closer to the time of your next dose.
Discuss this with your healthcare provider. Do not double your next dose or take more than what is prescribed. Avoid drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs while you are taking risperidone. They may decrease the benefits e. If an overdose occurs call your doctor or You may need urgent medical care. You may also contact the poison control center at Sedation, drowsiness, extrapyramidal symptoms, insomnia, fatigue, headache, anxiety, dizziness, drooling, restlessness, increased prolactin, weight gain, increased appetite, vomiting, constipation, upper abdominal pain, nausea, urinary incontinence, tremor, cold symptoms, cough, runny nose, fever.
Risperidone may increase the blood levels of a hormone called prolactin. Side effects of increased prolactin levels include females losing their period, production of breast milk and males losing their sex drive or possibly experiencing erectile problems.
Long term months or years of elevated prolactin can lead to osteoporosis, or increased risk of bone fractures. Some people may develop muscle related side effects while taking risperidone. Symptoms of EPS include restlessness, tremor, and stiffness.
TD symptoms include slow or jerky movements that one cannot control, often starting in the mouth with tongue rolling or chewing movements. How long does risperidone withdrawal last? Do you have to wean off risperidone? Can you quit risperidone cold turkey?
Will you lose weight if you stop taking risperidone? What are the long term effects of risperidone? Does risperidone change your personality? How long should you take risperidone? Does risperidone cause brain damage?
Which of the following should be avoided when taking risperidone? Does caffeine affect risperidone? Can I drink tea while taking risperidone? Can risperidone worsen dementia? If it is not written on the label, check with your pharmacist or doctor. Risperidone is usually taken once or twice a day. You will start with a low dose, which will be increased slowly to a dose that is effective for you. This could be a mealtime, or when you brush your teeth. For the normal coated tablets, swallow them whole with a drink of water - if you chew them, they taste bitter.
You can break them into two pieces at the line on the tablet if you have trouble swallowing them as one piece. For the orodispersible tablets melts , put it on your tongue and let it dissolve there and then swallow it you can wash down with water if needed.
You can dilute the oral solution with any other non-alcoholic drink if it makes it nicer to take, apart from a cup of tea or a glass of cola the tannin chemical in tea and cola stops the risperidone from absorbing properly into your body. If you agree to have the long-acting injection LAI , a doctor or nurse will inject this into a muscle in your arm or bottom every two weeks.
It is slowly working in your body all the time between injections. If you forget to take it by your next dose, just take the next dose at the correct time. Do not try to catch up on missed doses. If you miss your appointment for your injection, contact your doctor straight away to make another appointment.
If you forget to take your tablets for a few days, or you miss an injection, you may start getting your old symptoms back. You should talk to your doctor about this. When you start taking an antipsychotic, your brain adjusts to having lower levels of dopamine around. If you stop taking the antipsychotic suddenly, the balance starts to change again, and your brain can take a while to adapt to this change.
You could get your old symptoms back. You could also get some symptoms from the change, which are called withdrawal symptoms, although these are mild and rare with risperidone. They will reduce and stop the risperidone slowly so that any problems like your old symptoms coming back can be picked up quickly.
It is better to agree stopping with a doctor who will reduce your dose gradually. This will be done over a few weeks. If you have taken more risperidone than the dosage recommended by the doctor who prescribed it to you, you must get medical help immediately — even if you do not feel any different.
Risperidone can sometimes cause serious side effects. Tell your doctor immediately if you experience unusual movements mainly of the face or tongue. Go to hospital immediately if you think you may have developed a blood clot symptoms are usually swelling, pain and redness in the leg ; a clot may travel through blood vessels to the lungs causing chest pain and difficulty breathing.
Also go to hospital if you develop a combination of fever, faster breathing, sweating, muscle stiffness or drowsiness; and tell them that you are taking risperidone. Very rarely risperidone can cause severe allergic reactions. Go to hospital if you have difficulty breathing or swelling of your face or throat. In rare cases, risperidone can cause a long-lasting and painful erection called priapism. If this happens, you will need to be treated in hospital.
Risperidone is not addictive, but stopping it suddenly can cause problems such as difficulty sleeping, feeling or being sick, sweating, and uncontrollable muscle movements.
See you doctor if you want to stop, or if you are having these effects. You might feel sleepy in the first few days after taking risperidone. Do not drive a car, ride a bike or operate machines until you see how this affects you. Take your medicine with you to show to the doctors. Tell them how much you have taken. Get a friend or family member to go with you, if you can, just in case you feel ill on the way. Some side effects that appear should disappear or get better after a few days.
If they do not, you should go back to your doctor. Don't stop taking risperidone until you talk to your doctor or you may get withdrawal symptoms as well. Speak to your pharmacist or doctor if you think you are having side effects from risperidone. There are other side effects that you can get when taking this medicine — we have only included the most common ones here. Please look at the leaflet inside your medicine box, or ask a doctor or pharmacist, if you want to know whether you are getting a side effect from your medicine.
If you do get a side effect, please think about reporting it via the Yellow Card Scheme. Do not stop taking the tablets until you talk to your doctor, or you may get withdrawal symptoms as well. Young people and children aged are more likely than adults to get the following side effects:. We use cookies We use cookies on this website to store user preferences, aid in accessibility and analyse our traffic.
Read our cookie policy. Accept all cookie usage. Update cookie preferences. Open guide menu Skip to guide menu. I am a young person I am a parent I work with young people. Open site search Open main navigation. View shareable links View Basket : 0 items. Guide Menu for Risperidone. Hide Show guide menu. Guide contents jump to section About risperidone Risperidone and everyday life Uses, warnings, safety and side effects About this information More information and advice.
Taking risperidone to treat psychosis: Andrew's story. About risperidone. Please note. Always talk to your doctor about your situation and whether this medication is for you. Thinking about trying medication? It is advised that when attempting Risperdal withdrawal, one should understand early in the process, that aversion to medical guidance is a very real possibility. Have a discussion with your medical caregivers and your support team about this.
While this may not work in every case, for some, especially those with a strong family alliance, this can be successful protection for the patient and can be put in place early in the process. Another form of preemptive strategy is to enlist a doctor or center that has hospital admitting privileges.
Should things get to the point where restabilization is necessary, a doctor that has the ability to admit the patient to the hospital can help things go in a humanistic way so that future Risperdal withdrawal efforts may be safely resumed. In September the government issued a review on what had become known as off-label uses for atypical antipsychotic medications, including OCD, ADHD, social phobias, anxiety disorders, mental retardation, insomnia, eating disorders, PTSD, addiction, Tourette syndrome, and others.
The board concluded that none of these off-label uses were justified nor were they effective. Off-label uses for drugs can arise without clinical trials, or as a result of drug advertising claims to popularize uses that were not backed up by bonafide research or safety trials.
Despite government advisory board disapproval, it appears the practice has remained systemic in the pharmaceutical industry. Pre-sales trials for Risperdal oral tablets were 4 to 8 weeks long. NAMI reports side effects for women to include loss of period, and for males, loss of sexual function. Many thousands of lawsuits are pending for Risperdal causing male breast enlargement. This is not an all-inclusive list.
If you notice discomforts see your doctor without delay so that medical attention can be given in time to avert any potential health crisis. Risperdal has not developed a reputation as a street drug, though because of its psychoactive effects, this can not be ruled out completely.
No street names are known at this time. Below is a collection of information about Risperdal and how it works, what it is and is not FDA approved for, and many other topics of interest on this atypical antipsychotic medication.
It is highly recommended to thoroughly research a drug before starting or stopping it so your health questions can be fully addressed. The work can be tedious, and it could be well worth enlisting others in your support group to help you with the task.
Knowledge can increase your ability to reach the best solutions to mental health issues because such solutions are supported by science rather than perhaps overzealous advertising claims that may conflict with documented evidence. Taking antipsychotic medication has a dampening effect on emotions, energy, and the capacity to experience feelings of reward or pleasure.
This dampening effect is associated with the restriction of dopamine and other neurochemicals along the CNS and brain. An individual with a lessened capacity experience the sensation of reward may be attracted to stimulants. To contrast this effect, those with an excessive flood of reward neurochemicals may present as manic, or overstimulated.
How antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotic medications work is as yet not completely known. What is theorized is that Risperdal affects certain neurotransmitters in the CNS and this influence is proposed to have a corrective effect. What can be observed clearly, however, is that patients who are prescribed Risperdal become quieter, less active, sleep more, and show cognitive impairments.
According to one pharmaceutical company-funded research article, 24 Gao et al report that these potent drugs are slightly more effective than placebo which means no treatment in this case when used off-label to treat anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and other mood disorders. In contrast, the majority of studies found reported a larger body of adverse effects, and negative or questionable treatment outcomes in treating anxiety and other mood disorders such as MDD, BiPolar, PTSD, etc.
The vast majority of researchers called for more caution and suggested that more studies should be done. Currently, there are 16, lawsuits pending against the drug makers of Risperdal for adverse effects. The aforementioned drug trials were short-term, which means a few weeks in length. No published studies were found on the long-term effects of these medications, nor that looked at the difficulties involved in withdrawal from atypical antipsychotics like Risperdal.
A double-blind study published in the British Journal of Medicine studied adult aggressive traits after traumatic brain injury and the trial found placebo-treated participants had better results than those treated with risperidone. The studies that were done on Risperdal to get it approved for the treatment of very young children with autism showing irritable behavior were extremely short, i.
Equally concerning is the fact that no trials were found that showed safety or efficacy results for off-label use of Risperdal on non-autistic young children for ADHD or other behavioral reasons. Yet, this has become a shockingly common practice.
Some physicians and caregivers have raised concerns when non-drug-based treatments, such as nutrition, tailored education strategies, and counseling for behavioral issues in autistic or non-autistic children have not been explored before resorting to medication. While it can be a source of great anguish for parents and families to have a child presenting these kinds of reactions, Dr.
Best practices would follow the revised recommendations given in the DSM which clearly indicate that specific criteria need to be met to properly diagnose and treat mental disorders including ruling out psycho-social stressors, such as family or school stressors, etc. Particularly relevant to considering medicating children being diagnosed with Autism, the criteria for a correct diagnosis as well as a need for more studies on the effectiveness of nutritional therapies as part of treatment protocols should be well considered.
According to clinical trials, a significant percentage of patients no matter their age group being given Risperdal experienced drowsiness and somnolence to a marked degree. The FDA warns against driving or operating machinery or other tasks requiring alertness while taking Risperdal. No studies could be found that actually compare risperidone-based therapy with non-drug therapy.
However, nutritional therapy has been widely reported to be extremely successful in treating children as well as adults where deficiencies in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, for example, were corrected and led to major improvements in mood and cognitive function.