Born in the age of Romanticism and composing poems in the style and manner of his contemporaries he had his sympathies with the Augustans and adored Dryden and Pope more than Wordsworth , Coleridge and Southey. Byron was interested more in himself than in the social forces in which he sought to move. The Byronic Hero came to be recognised as a special 'Tour-d-force' and Byron became the author of all his masterly heroic creations. Byron's interest was not in imagination, reflection or aerial flights to a dreamy utopia of poetic creation.
Byron was a realist in poetry and sought to present the pictures of social and economic life as he viewed in his wide travels. His "Don Juan" is another travel book in poetry recounting the adventurous and picaresque adventures of the hero in Italy, Spain, Turkey, Russia and England. In the late 18th century there originated a new movement or idea which was Romantic Movement. It was better known as Romanticism or the Romantic Era.
It peaked in the years to and embodied not just literature. But also visual arts, music, historiography, education, social sciences as well.
Its emphasis was on emotion and individualism and glorification of past and nature. It was a perfect blend of emotions that were expressed in the most honest and pure manner. It was just the right amount of folk art and aesthetic rawness and beauty mixed in one work. Romantic thinkers of the period influenced socialism, conservatism and liberalism through their art. Poets, obscured by society, came out and shone with their romantic notions.
This movement gave birth to another romantic poet, inspiring writers in following the path of romanticism. And was one of the leading figures of the Romantic Movement. Byron was known to have generated a love for books at quite an early age. He tried his hand at poetry for the first time at the mere age of twelve in the year His first publication was in the year at the age of seventeen, Fugitive Pieces.
It printed at his expense by Ridge of Newark. It was later pulled from circulation for being too descriptive and erotica. In , fed Gus wanderlust by first travelling to Portugal and onward till Greece.
Much of his work was written on his travels. The inspiration of which striking him in the people he met and the places he visited. Even after his split he was known to have many a lover, till the time around his death. He was infamous for his strings of love that spread far and wide, leaving a flashy history to unfold. Byron always has the ring of honesty circled around all his works, keeping in the circle brimming emotions with the most aesthetic of imagery.
Robinson [Newark: University of Delaware Press, ] provides the best recent analysis of the two poets. Ernest J. Lovell, Jr Princeton University Press, pp. Lovell, Jr John Clubbe 1 Ernest J. University of Kentucky USA. Personalised recommendations. Cite chapter How to cite? ENW EndNote. The realm of Europe is the sensuous place for Byron and a place of knowledge.
He combines the rational elements or wits along with the spirit of Romanticism to form a new work of Romantic art. He seems to go back to the Eighteenth century Neo-Classical writings where the poets emphasize on wits.
He combines the witty aspects of dissimilar entity of admiring the defeat of sovereignty but also disapproving the impact that the war had upon the country which amalgamates to his own subjective attitude towards war.
However, Byron as a Romantic poet shrouds the classical essence in his writings.