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Related Stories. America Needs to Get Back to Facts. Tennis' quirky rules make it one of the most interesting games to watch and play! If you'd like to utilise the rules to their best effect and start winning more matches, check out our extensive range of online courses! Outsmart your opponent with superior tactics! Our strategies can be quickly implemented for instant results!
Some might say the old things are the best things, others might say adapt or die. The vast majority of you who are familiar with our website, will quickly associate us with fun, yet cutting edge tennis racket and string reviews! Home tennis tips rules why is tennis scored the way it is Why is Tennis Scored the Way it is?
Custom Fittings Discover your perfect racket and string combo! The Scoring System A tennis game starts with both players locked in at The next point after 40 wins the game. The Clock Face This is probably one of the most convincing arguments out there. What About Love? Our Thoughts We hope this article has provided you with some interesting food for thought on the tennis scoring systems!
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If a set should make it to , a tiebreak game is played to determine a winner of the set, resulting in a set score. Rather than use traditional tennis scoring, this is scored one, two, three and so forth.
The first player to win seven points, by two, wins the tiebreak game, and the set. There are different point totals for different tournaments, however. A match is completed usually best of three or best of five when a player reaches six sets and wins by at least two sets. In this example, Player A won the match by a score of , and Player B won the second set 7 to 5, reaching the sixth game first but having to win by two games.
Unlike a normal 1 point or 2 runs like any other normal sports, tennis' first three points are 15, 30 and If you're looking for a definitive answer on why tennis uses the scoring system it does, unfortunately, there's no clear origin of tennis scoring system as we see it today.
However, there are a few different theories:. The minute mark was dialed back to 40 to account for advantage, with the game ending at Though, minute hands weren't added to clocks until the 17th century, so this is more of a theory or urban legend rather than truth. The serving player would allowed to be move up 15 feet per point scored, up to The game was played on a foot court. Jeu de paume eventually gave way to tennis as we know it now.
If both players reach 40, this is known as deuce not all.