Resort Swimwear Long awaited by avid swimwear fans, the Resort Swimwear is finally here and able to be worn by players! This set comes with two chest pieces: one that has a kama on the back, and one that lacks it. You can swap between versions to find the look that works best for you! The Resort Swimwear is fully dyeable, even on the golden parts This is the first set that features short-shorts!
Dramatic Extrovert Dramatic is one word for it, alright. Whether you like the revealing nature of this set or not, most players agree that the helmet goes well with other armor sets for a more imposing presence Comes with thigh-high boots that are striking For those who want a more covered set, the Thana Vesh Armor set is effectively the same look, just with a breastplate in place How to acquire : Currently not found on the CM, you can buy this set on the GTN for a hefty price of around million credits, depending on your server.
Sensuous Dress Another older set that has withstood the test of time, this armor has earned its name. This dress is perfect for the more sophisticated, party-attending woman Fully dyeable, this set looks slimming and dangerously sensuous when dyed black How to acquire : This set is currently not available on the Cartel Market, but can still be found on the GTN for around 90 million in-game credits.
A druid where one would least expect it -New Jersey- Morgan is happiest when immersing herself in the magic of another world, whether in the pages of a book or the technicolor of a beloved video game. Gamer Since: Log in or register to post comments. More Top Stories. Healers are often forgotten about class in so many parties. Everyone wants to jump in the middle of the fight, taking all the damage or doing more damage to the enemy than anyone else, but nobody ever wants to be the one keeping everyone alive.
Healers are crucial to every party for PVE While Empire-aligned players are more known for their obsession with lethal-looking armor, the Republic side of things is a little more subdued. Here are how the 8 currently available player homes, Strongholds, stack up. For a modest price sometimes , Well-known for their life of intrigue and subterfuge, the Imperial Agent is sure to also have an arsenal of fashionable outfits fit for any occasion — and any undercover mission!
Star Wars: The Old Republic offers a wide variety of cosmetic armor sets for any class. Here are a few of the best armor Don't fret, here's a list of all the best romance options for each class! Love Across the Stars is arguably one of the best musical scores in the Star Wars universe. A booming, soaring crescendo beautifully paints the You can bring any Fear not, Star Wars: The Old Republic plays host to a huge range of lightsaber styles, and is sure to have something that will suit your needs as you SWTOR offers a lot of different Since the Commando itself is the only advanced class able to use the autocannon, it comes as no surprise that cosmetic choices concerning their main hand have a much smaller With this new update, a new level cap of 75, new planets, and new endgame content, there are a number of new Many different classes and specs have different utilities and Tacticals to choose from these days Star Wars: The Old Republic offers a wide variety of blaster pistols for its more shady advanced classes.
Here are some of the best looking cosmetic blasters currently available Star Wars: The Old Republic features 48 different possible discipline paths broken up by 8 classes each separated into two different advanced classes. Funny post! Daedricshots DarthSublimitas The hat isn't and therefore is good to buy, the rest is just crap - although doesn't mess with your companions.
Its on the second planet. GellonSW Nar Shaddaa social vendor for a few creds or the Security Vendor. They have different names but the textures are the same.
Quote: Originally Posted by titanmike. That is not the Dancer's Outfit. The republic dancer and the elegant dress are on couranst. The Op asked for the republic dancer outfit. ITs a female only outfit on the same social vendor as the elegant dress that my JC is using. Social items vendor red metal dancer: Other changes to the skirt and force powers are same as for the playable female dancer model listed above. Popular discussions view all 1 4. Knights of the old republic ii: The wiki has been archived and we ask that readers and editors move to the now combined wiki on gamepedia.
There is also an outfit from coruscant, but i'm not sure what it's called. Buying the magnificent dancer armor set from the gtn with credits. Each tab can be used … Let's have some fun, and if you're easily offended, this video is not for you. The old republic swtor visual equipment database and character gallery. To find the gtn at level 10 or higher, look for the galactic trade network section of the republic or imperial fleet. Knights of the old republic ii: Or as part of an entire set called the stylish dancer's outfit.
The wiki has been archived and we ask that readers and editors move to the now combined wiki on gamepedia. This set is wearable by female characters on either faction at any level on any class. Here's a tribute to them. Social items vendor red metal dancer: Each tab can be used … The old republic wiki fandom. She first appeared in star wars: The old republic after adding a security key to your account!
Emoticon Emoticon. Tools swtor story order and progression guide swtor discipline builder. Search for:.