Build 15 Answers Does zevran have a companion quest? Side Quest 2 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? I am literally standing on his spawn point, I am a warrior and my main character has a point in stealing, but he is not there.
Can someone help me please? Enemy level progression by area? If House Aeducan were Human Once registered you will have access to search the forums, create and respond to threads, PM other members, upload screenshots and access many other features unavailable to guests. BoM cultivates a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. We have been aiming for quality over quantity with our forums from their inception, and believe that this distinction is truly tangible and valued by our members.
We'd love to have you join us today! If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please contact us. If you've forgotten your username or password, click here. Remove all ads! You can embarrass Tilver in front of his guards with some sexual innuendo. Caradhras , Apr 8, I found out after finishing the game that I completely missed the whole series because I never gave Stealing to my Warden. I had both Stealing and Hide maxed on Leliana, but apparently this doesn't count I wish there was at least some kind of warning that the guy even exists.
There was no one by the name that I could interact with in Denerim Market. Ziad , Apr 9, He doesn't pop up in the Market unless your Warden has a point in either stealth or pickpocketing. That's probably why you didn't know he existed. Cara - am going to have to ask you how you did spoiler 2 - I always just stealthed and never talked to him. CelticDream , Apr 9, I cheated and let Leliana pickpocket 2. The guards move every once in a while, and you get a window of opportunity at some point.
I discovered this quest quite by accident. Sign up for free! Where do I find Slim Couldry? I cant find Slim Couldry anywhere. Any help is appreciated. User Info: tyigersfan In order for Slim to appear, your main character must have at least one point in stealing or stealth. In order to get all quests from him, you must tell him that you are interested in both stealing and stealth missions.
Sorry bout that, you're right Super Creatures I never bothered using stealth or stealing with any other type of character before, but I tried it with a warrior and it worked.
User Info: maus